Mage: Tips and Tricks for ICC boss fights


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I. General Tips:

LEARN TO LOVE TARGETING MACROS: I can't tell you how much DPS you lose on fights when you have to tab through adds (EX. Deathwhisper, Princes). Targeting macros are your best friend.

DONT CUT OFF YOUR ARCANE MISSILES: Yes, we have all done it. I used to do it all the time....its not good for dps. You are probably cutting off multiple Arcane Missiles per fight, if not one every rotation. It should be noted that moving or interrupting AM with any other sort of cast will STILL interrupt it.

USE SCROLLING COMBAT TEXT: This is really useful. There are many of them out there, find one you like and use it. If you’re still looking in the upper left side of the screen for your procs, you’re losing raid awareness. Powerauras can also work for this.

KNOW YOUR MOVEMENTS: Do you need to blink? Or can you just take a few steps? Remember that a lot of ICC fights you want to stay at X range from something. The further you move from your spot, the further you move to get back.

USE RAID COMPOSISION TO YOUR ADVANTAGE: Do you have shamans dropping totems: This could effect what you want your haste to be for top geared mages -- ware the haste cap, as hard as it is to hit. If with CD's popped your casting in under 1 second, your too far up. If you always pop during BL (as you should?), take that into account as well.

II. Boss-by-Boss Tips:

A. Lord Marrowgar (will make your AB/AM times hell (Unless you pick up the talents...))

- Don’t move unless you have too, dodging Cold Flame dodging is really the only movement you should be doing.

- DPS through Bone Storm - You have NO idea how much dps your losing if you are moving away during Bone Storm. With pretty good DPS he will BS twice or three times for a total of 2-3 minutes. His storm does ~6k(10m) per tick on cloth if he is on top of you, ~3k(10m) if you are in the radius of the axe. Just take it if your not in axe radius, your healers can handle. In normal mode you can just run out, especially those of you with Tuskarrs vitality on your boots.

- The fires - Thanks to Ekyu (and my testing
), coldflames DO IA when your frost ward is up. So use then when possible during the fight.

B. Lady Deathwhisper -

- This fight is pretty dependant on raid setup. I spend most of my time on Lady, but I realize some range heavy raids will have to be switching. Know what adds your need to dps (The fanatics), don’t bother tabbing around, just make a targeting macro for the nearest fanatic. I only end up DPSing the raised fanatics, but this is guild-dependant.

-Watch buffs on adds your DPS'ing - Many of the adherents will reflect spells back at you, this is bad, and once your critting ~18k with AB, it can potentially kill you.

- Mirror images WILL save your life in P2. Ghosts are insanely attracted to them, learn to use this to your raids advantage. If you pop images as you enter P2, the FIRST 3 ghosts that spawn near them WILL TARGET THEM AND KILL THEM. This can be good or bad, know when to use them.

- Along with that, make sure your watching for ghosts. Ghosts and uninterruptable IB's WILL kill you, and nobody tops charts if they are dead.

-Frostward can proc IA in P2 off icebolts, use it whenever possible -Ekyu

C. Gunship

- Positioning: Most guilds easily kill the adds that spawn on your ship in 10 and 25 man. You should NOT be on a gun, you should probably NOT be jumping over, so your on the ship. Standing near the guns is a plus, because this will allow you to DPS those annoying riflemen.

- Don’t DPS Bronzebeard/Saurfang, if somehow your tank dies…he will oneshot you with Rending Throw.

- It should be noted that (especially in 25), AoE can make your life much easier in this fight. For fire mages, living bomb can become your best friend. -Ekyu

D. Deathbringer Saurfang:

- Adds target mirror images 1st: I have not be able to confirm if it gives Saurfang Blood Power, but it would not at all surprise me.

-Do not move, there is NO reason too. Only run if an add is about to hit you. The return to your spot.

- Iceblock CAN take off Boiling blood - It shouldn’t need to be used other places in this fight, so congratulate yourself on robbing Saurfang of 8 Blood Power.

E. Rotface:

-Pick a foot to DPS on: If you do this, you won’t have to move out of slime spray so much.

DO NOT POP MIRRIOR IMAGES: This will make the add begin to attack the tank that is tanking Rotface, and make your raid take dmg till your images die.

F. Festergut:

This fight doesn’t even need an explanation, there are really no tricks. Make sure your 8 yards and dps your brains out. If you somehow don’t get 3 stacks Ice Block will save your life. Blinking can be used one way to a spore, but the CD won’t be up for the way back.

G. Putricide:

- Blink is your best friend on this fight when DPS oozes or rotface (p3). My guild tends to kite the oozes around the room, blink to the middle, kill the add, and blink to the other side. In p3, stay near the outside of the room. EDIT: Ekyu advises saving blink for emergencies. However, I really find it MOST useful dodging malleable goo, which has a longer CD then blink. If a malleable goo is not thrown at me I use blink to get closer to the add. Really your choice.

- If you use Invis while Putricide is casting Tear Gas at 80% or 35%, you can dps him while he is mixing his potion.

H. Blood Princes:

- For those with 2 points in magic attunement, you won’t have to dodge shockwaves. Ekyu: This is more useful in 10m, as you should try to distance yourself from other platers (including fleeing melee). In 25 you will probably have to run away some so your melee can get out and still maintain /range

-Pretaining to Kinetic Bombs. I have toyed with them enough to realize that as far as mages go, Ice Lance is your best bet to keep them up. They seem to work on a mechanic of they go up X per time a Direct Damage spell hits them. Ice lance is your BEST choice here. I can singlehandedly keep all the 25-man orbs up in frost spec with a pet.

I. The Blood Queen:

-Pretty much a straight up DPS fight, as a mage you should probably be getting the debuff pretty early, plan accordingly. Remember that if you’re not in the 1st two sets of bites, your CD’s will be up again by the time you get bitten.

-Blink works wonders for Pact of the Darkfallen.

-Dont bother blinking during fires unless they have already spawned right below you and your currently not moving. Otherwise just run, no need to IB or blink.

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