Bankfachanzeige 1000. Thread

Mitglied seit
Sorry, das ich auch wieder einen Thread eröffnen muss, aber ich habe jetzt wieder das Problem dass das Bankfach meiner Chars nicht angezeigt wird, obwohl die neuste BLASC-Version benutzt und die Einstellungen auf alles anzeigen stehen.

Der Upload war erfolgreich, bin extra wieder in wow und beendet damit upload funtzt.

Komischerweise konnte ich bis dato bei meinem Main das bankfach einsehen, ging nur bei paar twinks nich.

Da ich nun 2 Gildenbanken habe is das aber schlecht, wenn ab und an mal das Bankfach gezeigt wird, dann wider nich.

Auch komisch, das bei verlinkung mit dem Bankfach der Einzelnen Chars einmal das Bankfach aufgeht, dann wieder nich.

Charname: Faragrim
Realm: Kargath

Thx im voraus.
Bei mir wird auch kein Bankfach angezeigt, trotz aktueller Version, richtiger Einstellungen etc.
Wurde auch noch nie!
Server: Rexxar, Name: Lonesmage
Hallo Ihr 2,

prüft bitte nochmal eure Einstellungen, loggt euch dann in WoW ein, bevor ihr den Character auswählt, prüft bitte auch, ob er BLASCProfiler wirklich aktiv unter AddOns. Anschließend dann mit dem entsprechenden Character ins Spiel einloggen und eure Bank öffnen, das gleiche gilt übrigends auch für Talente, Rezepte und Inventar, diese werden erst erfasst, nachdem diese einmal geöffnet wurden.

Dann WoW ganz normal beenden und BLASC seine Arbeit verrichten lassen, die aktualisierung auf der Webseite kann bis zu 10 Minuten dauern, in extremen Fällen auch mal länger. Solltet ihr dann immer noch keine Anzeige haben, postet hier mal bitte eure BLASCProfilerConfig.lua (findet ihr unter: WoW/Interface/Addons/BLASCProfiler) und eure BLASCPrfofiler.lua (diese liegt unter: WoW/WTF/<accountname>/Savedvariables/.

also nach Eurem Umzug ging es bei Faragrim so wie es sein soll, die anderen wollen noch nicht ganz so richtig, obwohl ich mit den Bankchars schon on war und auch Bankfach geöffnet habe.

Vorgehensweise is bekannt, das alles erst geöffnet werden muss, damit die Datenbank die Daten ziehen kann. Versuche es weiter und meld mich wenns funtzt.

Hier mal die config:

BLASC_SaveLocs = 1;
BLASC_DoScanRecipe = 1;
BLASC_DoScanTalents = 1;
BLASC_DoScanEquipment = 1;
BLASC_DoScanBank = 1;
BLASC_DoScanInventory = 1;
BLASC_DoScanGold = 1;
BLASC_DoScanBasic = 1;
BLASC_CHARS = {"Steinbank@Kargath","Odegrim@Kargath","Maali@Kargath","Kirna@Kargath","Hylda@Kargath","Gohrum@Kargath","Faragrim@Kargath","Edelbank@Kargath","Belagrima@Kargath"};

und die BLASCPrfofiler.lua

BLASCProfile = {
["char"] = {
["Kargath"] = {
["Steinbank"] = {
["ranged"] = {
["damage"] = "3:6",
["attackpower"] = 19,
["attackspeed"] = 2.000000094994903,
["dps"] = 2.357142813304175,
["attack"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["str"] = 23,
["sta"] = 24,
["spi"] = 19,
["agi"] = 19,
["int"] = 19,
["guildrank"] = 6,
["BankChar"] = 1,
["settings"] = {
["Inventory"] = 1,
["Talents"] = 1,
["Gold"] = 1,
["Equip"] = 1,
["Recipes"] = 1,
["Bank"] = 1,
["resists"] = {
["frost"] = 10,
["arcane"] = 0,
["fire"] = 0,
["shadow"] = 0,
["nature"] = 0,
["armor"] = 40,
["level"] = 1,
["race"] = "Zwerg",
["bank"] = {
["11188:0:0"] = 63,
["11186:0:0"] = 77,
["3860:0:0"] = 60,
["6037:0:0"] = 47,
["3577:0:0"] = 41,
["2841:0:0"] = 135,
["2838:0:0"] = 52,
["12359:0:0"] = 43,
["7912:0:0"] = 44,
["12644:0:0"] = 42,
["11185:0:0"] = 81,
["2842:0:0"] = 28,
["2836:0:0"] = 4,
["11184:0:0"] = 45,
["equip"] = {
["Ranged"] = "3111:0:0",
["Shirt"] = "49:0:0",
["MainHand"] = "2092:0:0",
["Legs"] = "48:0:0",
["Feet"] = "47:0:0",
["pvprank"] = 0,
["melee"] = {
["attackspeed"] = 1.600000075995922,
["attackpower"] = 24,
["dps"] = 2.651785784176481,
["damage"] = "3:5",
["guildname"] = "Circle of Draconis",
["money"] = 16304,
["mana"] = 100,
["tradespec"] = {
["S"] = 0,
["E"] = 0,
["L"] = 0,
["version"] = "0.11.0",
["inv"] = {
["11144:0:0"] = 10,
["3860:0:0"] = 30,
["12359:0:0"] = 3,
["10560:0:0"] = 40,
["6948:0:0"] = 1,
["10505:0:0"] = 6,
["2838:0:0"] = 20,
["2799:0:0"] = 6,
["7912:0:0"] = 1,
["2868:0:0"] = 2,
["4371:0:0"] = 10,
["6037:0:0"] = 7,
["10562:0:0"] = 40,
["11128:0:0"] = 6,
["talents"] = {
["Kampf"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["Täuschung"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["Meucheln"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["health"] = 85,
["sex"] = 2,
["class"] = "Schurke",
["skills"] = {
["Sprache: Zwergisch"] = "300:300",
["Leder"] = "1:1",
["Stoff"] = "1:1",
["Dolche"] = "1:5",
["Meucheln"] = "1:1",
["Unbewaffnet"] = "1:5",
["Kampf"] = "1:1",
["Verteidigung"] = "2:5",
["Wurfwaffen"] = "1:5",
["Sprache: Gemeinsprache"] = "300:300",
["pvprankprogress"] = 0,
["guildtitle"] = "Twink",
["Hylda"] = {
["ranged"] = {
["attackpower"] = 56,
["dps"] = 42.14285514117893,
["attackspeed"] = 1.400000066496432,
["damage"] = "41:77",
["attack"] = 239,
["stats"] = {
["str"] = 33,
["sta"] = 45,
["spi"] = 97,
["agi"] = 31,
["int"] = 93,
["guildrank"] = 4,
["guildname"] = "Circle of Draconis",
["BankChar"] = 1,
["settings"] = {
["Inventory"] = 1,
["Talents"] = 1,
["Gold"] = 1,
["Equip"] = 1,
["Recipes"] = 1,
["Bank"] = 1,
["resists"] = {
["frost"] = 10,
["arcane"] = 0,
["fire"] = 0,
["shadow"] = 0,
["nature"] = 0,
["armor"] = 474,
["level"] = 48,
["recipes"] = {
["Alchimie"] = {
["Goblin-Raketentreibstoff"] = 1,
["Naturschutztrank"] = 1,
["Feueröl"] = 1,
["Elixier der großen Beweglichkeit"] = 1,
["Katzenaugenelixier"] = 1,
["Elixier der Schattenmacht"] = 1,
["Manatrank"] = 1,
["Geringer Unsichtbarkeitstrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Wasseratmung"] = 1,
["Schattenöl"] = 1,
["Wuttrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Verteidigung"] = 1,
["Geringer Heiltrank"] = 1,
["Transmutieren: Eisen in Gold"] = 1,
["Unsichtbarkeitstrank"] = 1,
["Großer Manatrank"] = 1,
["Mächtiger Wuttrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Seelenstärke"] = 1,
["Elixier der Beweglichkeit"] = 1,
["Schwimmtempotrank"] = 1,
["Schwacher Verjüngungstrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der großen Feuermacht"] = 1,
["Elixier der Entd. geringer Unsichtbarkeit"] = 1,
["Schwacher Heiltrank"] = 1,
["Transmutieren: Arkanit"] = 1,
["Elixier der überragenden Verteidigung"] = 1,
["Großer Wuttrank"] = 1,
["Steinschuppenöl"] = 1,
["Überragender Heiltrank"] = 1,
["Arthas' Gabe"] = 1,
["Überragender Manatrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Dämonenentdeckung"] = 1,
["Wildrankentrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Ogerstärke"] = 1,
["Trank der freien Aktion"] = 1,
["Elixier der Weisheit"] = 1,
["Schwacher Magiewiderstandstrank"] = 1,
["Heiltrank"] = 1,
["Erheblicher Heiltrank"] = 1,
["Großer Heiltrank"] = 1,
["Großer Steinschildtrank"] = 1,
["Transmutieren: Mithril in Echtsilber"] = 1,
["Geringer Manatrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Untotenentdeckung"] = 1,
["Elixier der großen Verteidigung"] = 1,
["Stein der Weisen"] = 1,
["Öl des Feuerbrandes"] = 1,
["Heiligschutztrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der verbesserten Wasseratmung"] = 1,
["Schwarzmaulöl"] = 1,
["Feuerschutztrank"] = 1,
["Begrenzter Unverwundbarkeitstrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Weisen"] = 1,
["Elixier des Mungos"] = 1,
["Elixier der schwachen Verteidigung"] = 1,
["Arkanes Elixier"] = 1,
["Elixier der Löwenstärke"] = 1,
["Schwacher Trollbluttrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der schwachen Seelenstärke"] = 1,
["Elixier der großen Intelligenz"] = 1,
["Frostschutztrank"] = 1,
["Schwacher Manatrank"] = 1,
["Starker Trollbluttrank"] = 1,
["Elixier der Feuermacht"] = 1,
["Trank des traumlosen Schlafs"] = 1,
["bank"] = {
["3736:0:0"] = 1,
["16696:0:0"] = 1,
["8846:0:0"] = 2,
["19182:0:0"] = 45,
["3369:0:0"] = 16,
["17414:0:0"] = 1,
["13865:0:0"] = 1,
["12363:0:0"] = 3,
["10562:0:0"] = 8,
["3821:0:0"] = 15,
["3658:0:0"] = 5,
["10214:0:788"] = 1,
["7668:0:0"] = 1,
["22393:0:0"] = 1,
["14303:0:1862"] = 1,
["9252:0:0"] = 1,
["10286:0:0"] = 2,
["4843:0:0"] = 1,
["6370:0:0"] = 46,
["10575:0:0"] = 1,
["8838:0:0"] = 23,
["8153:0:0"] = 3,
["2453:0:0"] = 3,
["13464:0:0"] = 24,
["10560:0:0"] = 8,
["13463:0:0"] = 20,
["16697:0:0"] = 1,
["7972:0:0"] = 34,
["3355:0:0"] = 8,
["10095:0:787"] = 1,
["13866:0:0"] = 1,
["9251:0:0"] = 1,
["4625:0:0"] = 56,
["6359:0:0"] = 1,
["9240:0:0"] = 1,
["8836:0:0"] = 1,
["6371:0:0"] = 1,
["4845:0:0"] = 1,
["15940:0:779"] = 1,
["11987:0:1026"] = 1,
["3818:0:0"] = 31,
["3358:0:0"] = 72,
["4640:0:0"] = 1,
["13863:0:0"] = 1,
["4609:0:0"] = 1,
["4649:0:0"] = 1,
["4844:0:0"] = 1,
["10620:0:0"] = 1,
["15939:0:214"] = 1,
["14309:0:787"] = 1,
["12359:0:0"] = 13,
["race"] = "Zwerg",
["pvprank"] = 0,
["melee"] = {
["attackpower"] = 31,
["dps"] = 7.880951824975004,
["attackspeed"] = 3.000000142492354,
["damage"] = "19:28",
["equip"] = {
["Waist"] = "10066:0:783",
["Finger0"] = "2933:0:0",
["Neck"] = "7673:0:0",
["Trinket0"] = "11122:0:0",
["Back"] = "14270:0:770",
["Shirt"] = "859:0:0",
["Hands"] = "10019:0:0",
["Wrist"] = "10059:0:773",
["Trinket1"] = "1713:0:0",
["Head"] = "10024:0:0",
["Finger1"] = "5011:0:0",
["Chest"] = "9415:857:0",
["Tabard"] = "5976:0:0",
["Ranged"] = "15279:0:763",
["MainHand"] = "6365:0:0",
["Legs"] = "14433:0:0",
["Shoulder"] = "10027:0:0",
["Feet"] = "14447:0:0",
["money"] = 142557,
["tradespec"] = {
["S"] = 0,
["E"] = 0,
["L"] = 0,
["mana"] = 3678,
["class"] = "Priester",
["inv"] = {
["8489:0:0"] = 1,
["20748:0:0"] = 1,
["10515:0:0"] = 1,
["5864:0:0"] = 1,
["2563:0:0"] = 1,
["5421:0:0"] = 1,
["9179:0:0"] = 5,
["17028:0:0"] = 15,
["4644:0:0"] = 1,
["13443:0:0"] = 9,
["2633:0:0"] = 8,
["6359:0:0"] = 1,
["9264:0:0"] = 2,
["10561:0:0"] = 1,
["7974:0:0"] = 6,
["12060:0:0"] = 1,
["11727:0:0"] = 1,
["9149:0:0"] = 1,
["8545:0:0"] = 77,
["8623:0:0"] = 1,
["18944:0:0"] = 95,
["11723:0:0"] = 1,
["11724:0:0"] = 1,
["11818:0:0"] = 1,
["6361:0:0"] = 3,
["7721:0:0"] = 1,
["2719:0:0"] = 1,
["8831:0:0"] = 13,
["9259:0:0"] = 9,
["3372:0:0"] = 8,
["3575:0:0"] = 3,
["3928:0:0"] = 9,
["3857:0:0"] = 3,
["6303:0:0"] = 1,
["12238:0:0"] = 3,
["3356:0:0"] = 1,
["8766:0:0"] = 12,
["5505:0:0"] = 1,
["3371:0:0"] = 1,
["10445:0:0"] = 1,
["10444:0:0"] = 1,
["11725:0:0"] = 20,
["1645:0:0"] = 6,
["9155:0:0"] = 5,
["11018:0:0"] = 40,
["7713:723:0"] = 1,
["6948:0:0"] = 1,
["11262:0:0"] = 1,
["talents"] = {
["Disziplin"] = "0500023000000000000000000000000000000000",
["Heilig"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["Schatten"] = "0050005005100035010000400000000000000000",
["version"] = "0.11.0",
["sex"] = 3,
["health"] = 2045,
["skills"] = {
["Sprache: Zwergisch"] = "300:300",
["Stoff"] = "1:1",
["Disziplin"] = "1:1",
["Sprache: Gemeinsprache"] = "300:300",
["Heilig"] = "1:1",
["Erste Hilfe"] = "285:300",
["Kochkunst"] = "143:150",
["Verteidigung"] = "236:240",
["Alchimie"] = "299:300",
["Schattenmagie"] = "1:1",
["Dolche"] = "178:240",
["Zauberstäbe"] = "239:240",
["Unbewaffnet"] = "129:240",
["Stäbe"] = "187:240",
["Widderreiten"] = "1:1",
["Kräuterkunde"] = "300:300",
["Streitkolben"] = "221:240",
["Angeln"] = "138:150",
["pvprankprogress"] = 0,
["guildtitle"] = "Mitglied",
["Edelbank"] = {
["ranged"] = {
["stats"] = {
["str"] = 15,
["sta"] = 19,
["spi"] = 22,
["agi"] = 23,
["int"] = 27,
["mana"] = 225,
["race"] = "Gnom",
["settings"] = {
["Inventory"] = 1,
["Talents"] = 1,
["Gold"] = 1,
["Equip"] = 1,
["Recipes"] = 1,
["Bank"] = 1,
["resists"] = {
["frost"] = 0,
["arcane"] = 10,
["fire"] = 0,
["shadow"] = 0,
["nature"] = 0,
["armor"] = 51,
["level"] = 1,
["equip"] = {
["Chest"] = "56:0:0",
["Shirt"] = "6096:0:0",
["Legs"] = "1395:0:0",
["MainHand"] = "35:0:0",
["Feet"] = "55:0:0",
["BankChar"] = 1,
["pvprank"] = 0,
["melee"] = {
["attackpower"] = 5,
["dps"] = 1.736453072514318,
["attackspeed"] = 2.900000137742609,
["damage"] = "4:7",
["guildrank"] = 6,
["money"] = 48916,
["class"] = "Magier",
["inv"] = {
["8383:0:0"] = 1,
["6948:0:0"] = 1,
["health"] = 51,
["tradespec"] = {
["S"] = 0,
["E"] = 0,
["L"] = 0,
["talents"] = {
["Arkan"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["Feuer"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["Frost"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["version"] = "0.11.0",
["sex"] = 3,
["guildname"] = "Circle of Draconis",
["skills"] = {
["Stoff"] = "1:1",
["Feuer"] = "1:1",
["Zauberstäbe"] = "1:5",
["Sprache: Gnomisch"] = "300:300",
["Unbewaffnet"] = "1:5",
["Frost"] = "1:1",
["Verteidigung"] = "3:5",
["Stäbe"] = "2:5",
["Sprache: Gemeinsprache"] = "300:300",
["pvprankprogress"] = 0,
["guildtitle"] = "Twink",
["Maali"] = {
["ranged"] = {
["attack"] = 109,
["dps"] = 16.94444363962656,
["attackspeed"] = 1.800000085495412,
["attackpower"] = 28,
["damage"] = "21:40",
["stats"] = {
["str"] = 23,
["sta"] = 27,
["spi"] = 51,
["agi"] = 24,
["int"] = 51,
["recipes"] = {
["Schneiderei"] = {
["Braunes Leinenhemd"] = 1,
["Modisches rotes Hemd"] = 1,
["Handgenähte Leinenkniehosen"] = 1,
["Schwarze Magiestoffweste"] = 1,
["Doppeltgenähte Wollschultern"] = 1,
["Purpurrote Seidenhandschuhe"] = 1,
["Irdene Weste"] = 1,
["Spinnengürtel"] = 1,
["Schwere Wollhandschuhe"] = 1,
["Verstärkte Wollschultern"] = 1,
["Langer Seidenumhang"] = 1,
["Rotes Leinenhemd"] = 1,
["Graue Wollrobe"] = 1,
["Modisches blaues Hemd"] = 1,
["Einfaches Kleid"] = 1,
["Geringe Hexerrobe"] = 1,
["Formelles weißes Hemd"] = 1,
["Leinentasche"] = 1,
["Rotes Schwadroneurshemd"] = 1,
["Handschuhe der Meditation"] = 1,
["Azurblaue Seidenhose"] = 1,
["Wollstoffballen"] = 1,
["Leinenschuhe mit weichen Sohlen"] = 1,
["Einfacher Kilt"] = 1,
["Blaues Leinenhemd"] = 1,
["Weißes Wollkleid"] = 1,
["Schwere Leinenhandschuhe"] = 1,
["Wollstiefel"] = 1,
["Verstärktes Leinencape"] = 1,
["Kleines Seidenpack"] = 1,
["Braune Leinenrobe"] = 1,
["Azurblaue Seidenkapuze"] = 1,
["Rote Magiestoffweste"] = 1,
["Wolltasche"] = 1,
["Einfache Leinenstiefel"] = 1,
["Magiestoffballen"] = 1,
["Weiße Banditenmaske"] = 1,
["Leinenstiefel"] = 1,
["Rote Wolltasche"] = 1,
["Weißes Schwadroneurshemd"] = 1,
["Azurblauer Seidengürtel"] = 1,
["Grüne Leinenarmschienen"] = 1,
["Perlenschnallenumhang"] = 1,
["Schwarze Magiestoffrobe"] = 1,
["Leinenstoffballen"] = 1,
["Seidenstoffballen"] = 1,
["Blaue Leinenweste"] = 1,
["Grünes Leinenhemd"] = 1,
["Purpurrote Seidenweste"] = 1,
["Schwerer Wollumhang"] = 1,
["Leinengürtel"] = 1,
["Purpurrote Seidenpantalons"] = 1,
["Schwarze Magiestoffgamaschen"] = 1,
["Robe der Macht"] = 1,
["Graues Wollhemd"] = 1,
["Rote Leinentasche"] = 1,
["Braune Leinenhose"] = 1,
["Weißes Leinenhemd"] = 1,
["Barbarische Leinenweste"] = 1,
["Wollcape"] = 1,
["Einfache Leinenhose"] = 1,
["Grüne Wollweste"] = 1,
["Spinnenseiden-Stiefel"] = 1,
["Azurblaue Seidenweste"] = 1,
["Grüne Seidenschultern"] = 1,
["Purpurroter Seidengürtel"] = 1,
["Seidenes Stirnband"] = 1,
["Braune Leinenweste"] = 1,
["Rote Leinenweste"] = 1,
["Rote Leinenrobe"] = 1,
["Schwarzes Seidenpack"] = 1,
["Schwere Wollhose"] = 1,
["Leinenumhang"] = 1,
["Weiße Leinenrobe"] = 1,
["Kochkunst"] = {
["Blutwurst"] = 1,
["Kräutergebackenes Ei"] = 1,
["Glänzender Kleinfisch"] = 1,
["Gewürztes Wolfsfleisch"] = 1,
["Geröstetes Eberfleisch"] = 1,
["Pastete aus Geiferzahnleber"] = 1,
["Verkohltes Wolfsfleisch"] = 1,
["race"] = "Mensch",
["BankChar"] = 1,
["settings"] = {
["Inventory"] = 1,
["Talents"] = 1,
["Gold"] = 1,
["Equip"] = 1,
["Recipes"] = 1,
["Bank"] = 1,
["resists"] = {
["frost"] = 0,
["arcane"] = 0,
["fire"] = 0,
["shadow"] = 5,
["nature"] = 0,
["armor"] = 258,
["level"] = 22,
["equip"] = {
["Waist"] = "14373:0:0",
["Tabard"] = "5976:0:0",
["Legs"] = "2982:15:0",
["Back"] = "9805:0:95",
["Shirt"] = "2575:0:0",
["Hands"] = "5195:15:0",
["Wrist"] = "3645:0:0",
["Finger1"] = "1449:0:0",
["Chest"] = "6569:0:181",
["Ranged"] = "7607:0:0",
["MainHand"] = "4571:0:1800",
["Finger0"] = "11965:0:1449",
["Shoulder"] = "4314:0:0",
["SecondaryHand"] = "1172:0:0",
["Feet"] = "3076:0:0",
["bank"] = {
["7433:0:1885"] = 1,
["4044:0:0"] = 1,
["4338:0:0"] = 13,
["4339:0:0"] = 60,
["7474:0:769"] = 1,
["14304:0:872"] = 1,
["10285:0:0"] = 19,
["4337:0:0"] = 14,
["5007:0:0"] = 1,
["2622:0:0"] = 1,
["10057:0:392"] = 1,
["3182:0:0"] = 7,
["14227:0:0"] = 1,
["16072:0:0"] = 1,
["866:0:1815"] = 1,
["9850:0:1025"] = 1,
["10063:0:782"] = 1,
["14047:0:0"] = 21,
["2592:0:0"] = 2,
["9820:0:185"] = 1,
["15165:0:769"] = 1,
["14305:0:799"] = 1,
["10064:0:881"] = 1,
["2077:0:517"] = 1,
["13103:0:0"] = 1,
["14182:0:852"] = 1,
["4306:0:0"] = 3,
["14247:0:1964"] = 1,
["5215:0:931"] = 1,
["guildrank"] = 6,
["pvprank"] = 0,
["melee"] = {
["dps"] = 9.74369704023303,
["attackspeed"] = 1.700000080745667,
["attackpower"] = 17,
["damage"] = "12:22",
["health"] = 427,
["guildname"] = "Circle of Draconis",
["mana"] = 1170,
["class"] = "Magier",
["talents"] = {
["Arkan"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["Feuer"] = "0050500002000000000000000000000000000000",
["Frost"] = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
["tradespec"] = {
["S"] = 0,
["E"] = 0,
["L"] = 0,
["inv"] = {
["1212:0:0"] = 1,
["3678:0:0"] = 1,
["6180:0:0"] = 1,
["1210:0:0"] = 2,
["14466:0:0"] = 1,
["3530:0:0"] = 18,
["1322:0:0"] = 5,
["2723:0:0"] = 1,
["17056:0:0"] = 1,
["2592:0:0"] = 4,
["4305:0:0"] = 10,
["23195:0:0"] = 2,
["2589:0:0"] = 7,
["6581:0:760"] = 1,
["2934:0:0"] = 1,
["1742:0:0"] = 1,
["5057:0:0"] = 5,
["2609:0:0"] = 1,
["2998:0:0"] = 1,
["1013:0:0"] = 2,
["1326:0:0"] = 10,
["16072:0:0"] = 1,
["1262:0:0"] = 1,
["7005:0:0"] = 1,
["3663:0:0"] = 1,
["3680:0:0"] = 1,
["23123:0:0"] = 1,
["414:0:0"] = 3,
["2313:0:0"] = 2,
["2136:0:0"] = 5,
["2856:0:0"] = 1,
["858:0:0"] = 2,
["17031:0:0"] = 3,
["1113:0:0"] = 28,
["2318:0:0"] = 2,
["3567:0:0"] = 1,
["6554:0:757"] = 1,
["15933:0:1009"] = 1,
["2874:0:0"] = 1,
["9772:0:1883"] = 1,
["1219:0:0"] = 1,
["2548:0:0"] = 1,
["1302:0:0"] = 1,
["9767:0:848"] = 1,
["6948:0:0"] = 1,
["4656:0:0"] = 1,
["version"] = "0.11.0",
["sex"] = 3,
["money"] = 25713,
["skills"] = {
["Stoff"] = "1:1",
["Sprache: Gemeinsprache"] = "300:300",
["Erste Hilfe"] = "108:150",
["Kochkunst"] = "71:75",
["Frost"] = "1:1",
["Verteidigung"] = "104:110",
["Schwerter"] = "6:115",
["Arkan"] = "1:1",
["Zauberstäbe"] = "109:110",
["Kürschnerei"] = "75:75",
["Unbewaffnet"] = "1:110",
["Stäbe"] = "73:110",
["Angeln"] = "1:75",
["Feuer"] = "1:1",
["Dolche"] = "99:110",
["Schneiderei"] = "217:225",
["pvprankprogress"] = 0,
["guildtitle"] = "Twink",
["version"] = "0.11.0",
["obj"] = {
["npc"] = {
["Schläger der Rotkammgnolle"] = {
["kills"] = 3,
["loot"] = {
["2589"] = 1,
["2592"] = 1,
["1742"] = 1,
["1013"] = 2,
["maxlevel"] = 17,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 39,
["x"] = 30,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[2] = {
["y"] = 38,
["x"] = 29,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[3] = {
["y"] = 36,
["x"] = 26,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[4] = {
["y"] = 37,
["x"] = 25,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[5] = {
["y"] = 35,
["x"] = 25,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 17,
["Brahnmar"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["loot"] = {
["2151"] = 1,
["2446"] = 1,
["2153"] = 1,
["2148"] = 1,
["2152"] = 1,
["17192"] = 1,
["2150"] = 1,
["2149"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 25,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 59,
["zt"] = "Sumpfland",
["zone"] = 20015,
["x"] = 11,
["merch"] = 1,
["minlevel"] = 25,
["Murlocküstenläufer"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["loot"] = {
["1507"] = 1,
["1179"] = 1,
["730"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 12,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 12,
["x"] = 40,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["minlevel"] = 12,
["Murlocgezeitenjäger"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 19,
["minlevel"] = 18,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 66,
["x"] = 26,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[2] = {
["y"] = 68,
["x"] = 26,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[3] = {
["y"] = 83,
["x"] = 31,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[4] = {
["y"] = 82,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Thurgrum Deepforge"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["loot"] = {
["5956"] = 2,
["3466"] = 2,
["2880"] = 2,
["2901"] = 2,
["3857"] = 2,
["18567"] = 2,
["maxlevel"] = 30,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 43,
["zt"] = "Ironforge",
["zone"] = 20008,
["x"] = 51,
["merch"] = 1,
["minlevel"] = 30,
["Murlockrieger"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["loot"] = {
["5523"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 16,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 52,
["x"] = 26,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[2] = {
["y"] = 42,
["x"] = 27,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[3] = {
["y"] = 40,
["x"] = 28,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[4] = {
["y"] = 36,
["x"] = 29,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[5] = {
["y"] = 35,
["x"] = 29,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[6] = {
["y"] = 34,
["x"] = 29,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[7] = {
["y"] = 33,
["x"] = 30,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[8] = {
["y"] = 28,
["x"] = 31,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[9] = {
["y"] = 23,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[10] = {
["y"] = 23,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[11] = {
["y"] = 22,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["minlevel"] = 15,
["Salma Saldean"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 20,
["minlevel"] = 20,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 30,
["x"] = 56,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Schwaches Murlocorakel"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 14,
["minlevel"] = 13,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 17,
["x"] = 37,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Baros Alexston"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 30,
["minlevel"] = 30,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 30,
["x"] = 48,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Schwarzer Großdrachenwelpe"] = {
["kills"] = 23,
["loot"] = {
["6581"] = 1,
["1221"] = 4,
["3177"] = 1,
["2318"] = 1,
["3176"] = 2,
["maxlevel"] = 18,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 58,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[2] = {
["y"] = 64,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[3] = {
["y"] = 65,
["x"] = 34,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[4] = {
["y"] = 67,
["x"] = 35,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[5] = {
["y"] = 70,
["x"] = 34,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[6] = {
["y"] = 69,
["x"] = 34,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[7] = {
["y"] = 76,
["x"] = 37,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[8] = {
["y"] = 75,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[9] = {
["y"] = 74,
["x"] = 30,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[10] = {
["y"] = 70,
["x"] = 30,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[11] = {
["y"] = 71,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[12] = {
["y"] = 71,
["x"] = 34,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[13] = {
["y"] = 68,
["x"] = 34,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[14] = {
["y"] = 69,
["x"] = 37,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[15] = {
["y"] = 73,
["x"] = 36,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[16] = {
["y"] = 74,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[17] = {
["y"] = 73,
["x"] = 31,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[18] = {
["y"] = 67,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[19] = {
["y"] = 72,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[20] = {
["y"] = 70,
["x"] = 51,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 17,
["Stopfwanst"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 24,
["minlevel"] = 24,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 46,
["x"] = 18,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Darcy"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 15,
["minlevel"] = 15,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 44,
["x"] = 26,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Gasthaus Seenhain",
["Der Verräter der Defias"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 15,
["minlevel"] = 15,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 56,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[2] = {
["y"] = 49,
["x"] = 55,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Ausplünderer der Defias"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 14,
["minlevel"] = 14,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 70,
["x"] = 42,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Rippenbrecher"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["loot"] = {
["6554"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 17,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 82,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 17,
["Hase"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["loot"] = {
["2934"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 1,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 70,
["x"] = 31,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[2] = {
["y"] = 43,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 1,
["Brohann Caskbelly"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 40,
["minlevel"] = 40,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 21,
["x"] = 65,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Bischof Farthing"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 40,
["minlevel"] = 40,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 30,
["x"] = 40,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Dungar Longdrink"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 55,
["minlevel"] = 55,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 62,
["x"] = 65,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
[2] = {
["y"] = 62,
["x"] = 66,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Mystiker der Rotkammgnolle"] = {
["kills"] = 3,
["loot"] = {
["1013"] = 2,
["1212"] = 1,
["2856"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 19,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 37,
["x"] = 28,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[2] = {
["y"] = 35,
["x"] = 28,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[3] = {
["y"] = 35,
["x"] = 27,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[4] = {
["y"] = 36,
["x"] = 25,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[5] = {
["y"] = 34,
["x"] = 27,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[6] = {
["y"] = 34,
["x"] = 28,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 18,
["Kundschafter der Blackrock"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["loot"] = {
["955"] = 1,
["1749"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 21,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 65,
["x"] = 57,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 21,
["Erntebehüter"] = {
["kills"] = 9,
["loot"] = {
["1274"] = 5,
["814"] = 1,
["1505"] = 1,
["732"] = 5,
["2763"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 15,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 55,
["x"] = 36,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[2] = {
["y"] = 53,
["x"] = 37,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[3] = {
["y"] = 51,
["x"] = 38,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[4] = {
["y"] = 50,
["x"] = 39,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[5] = {
["y"] = 51,
["x"] = 40,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[6] = {
["y"] = 53,
["x"] = 40,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[7] = {
["y"] = 52,
["x"] = 39,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["minlevel"] = 14,
["Berster der Rotkammgnolle"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 20,
["minlevel"] = 20,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 34,
["x"] = 28,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Karen Taylor"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["loot"] = {
["5956"] = 1,
["3466"] = 1,
["2880"] = 1,
["2901"] = 1,
["3857"] = 1,
["18567"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 22,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 29,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 22,
["merch"] = 1,
["Lindsay Ashlock"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["loot"] = {
["4470"] = 25,
["3131"] = 25,
["2946"] = 25,
["4496"] = 25,
["1179"] = 25,
["4471"] = 25,
["159"] = 25,
["4498"] = 25,
["1205"] = 25,
["2516"] = 25,
["2515"] = 25,
["2519"] = 25,
["5048"] = 25,
["2512"] = 25,
["3135"] = 25,
["3107"] = 25,
["maxlevel"] = 20,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 28,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 20,
["merch"] = 1,
["Staubteufel"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 19,
["minlevel"] = 19,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 67,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[2] = {
["y"] = 68,
["x"] = 34,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Thomas"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 1,
["minlevel"] = 1,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 31,
["x"] = 41,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Amy Davenport"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["loot"] = {
["3371"] = 3,
["2321"] = 3,
["6530"] = 3,
["6256"] = 3,
["2320"] = 3,
["4289"] = 3,
["2678"] = 3,
["20576"] = 2,
["2928"] = 3,
["2901"] = 3,
["2692"] = 3,
["3372"] = 3,
["7005"] = 3,
["6529"] = 3,
["5956"] = 3,
["2880"] = 3,
["2324"] = 3,
["6217"] = 3,
["5772"] = 3,
["maxlevel"] = 20,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 29,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 20,
["merch"] = 1,
["Großknecht Oslow"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 20,
["minlevel"] = 20,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 48,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Erzbischof Benedictus"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 0,
["minlevel"] = 0,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 30,
["x"] = 40,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Murndan Derth"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["loot"] = {
["2519"] = 1,
["2516"] = 1,
["3024"] = 1,
["11284"] = 1,
["3033"] = 1,
["3023"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 25,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 59,
["zt"] = "Sumpfland",
["zone"] = 20015,
["x"] = 11,
["merch"] = 1,
["minlevel"] = 25,
["Shoni die Schtille"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 17,
["minlevel"] = 17,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 17,
["x"] = 57,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Dockmeister Baren"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 20,
["minlevel"] = 20,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 27,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Soolie Berryfizz"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["loot"] = {
["18256"] = 1,
["3371"] = 1,
["8925"] = 1,
["5642"] = 1,
["13478"] = 1,
["3372"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 30,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 54,
["zt"] = "Ironforge",
["zone"] = 20008,
["x"] = 66,
["merch"] = 1,
["minlevel"] = 30,
["Wache Berton"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 33,
["minlevel"] = 33,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 46,
["x"] = 26,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Gryan Stoutmantle"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 35,
["minlevel"] = 35,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 56,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Murlocnetzer"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 15,
["minlevel"] = 14,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 22,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
[2] = {
["y"] = 17,
["x"] = 36,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Terrorkondor"] = {
["kills"] = 2,
["loot"] = {
["1080"] = 1,
["4775"] = 1,
["17056"] = 1,
["6889"] = 2,
["maxlevel"] = 19,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 70,
["x"] = 35,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[2] = {
["y"] = 68,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[3] = {
["y"] = 69,
["x"] = 34,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[4] = {
["y"] = 35,
["x"] = 25,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 18,
["Deputy Feldon"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 33,
["minlevel"] = 33,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 60,
["x"] = 30,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Verner Osgood"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 25,
["minlevel"] = 25,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 31,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Kalmarrik"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["loot"] = {
["9767"] = 1,
["730"] = 1,
["1812"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 19,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 66,
["x"] = 48,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[2] = {
["y"] = 65,
["x"] = 47,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["minlevel"] = 19,
["Huhn"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 1,
["minlevel"] = 1,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 30,
["x"] = 55,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Späherin Riell"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 30,
["minlevel"] = 30,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 47,
["x"] = 56,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["Wilder Thistlenettle"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 20,
["minlevel"] = 20,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 21,
["x"] = 64,
["zone"] = 20014,
["zt"] = "Stormwind",
["Slark"] = {
["kills"] = 1,
["loot"] = {
["730"] = 1,
["6180"] = 1,
["maxlevel"] = 15,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 30,
["x"] = 30,
["zone"] = 20022,
["zt"] = "Westfall",
["minlevel"] = 15,
["Wache Howe"] = {
["kills"] = 0,
["maxlevel"] = 30,
["minlevel"] = 30,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 57,
["x"] = 31,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
["Bastard der Rotkammgnolle"] = {
["kills"] = 6,
["loot"] = {
["2589"] = 2,
["1210"] = 1,
["2287"] = 1,
["1212"] = 2,
["maxlevel"] = 16,
["loc"] = {
[1] = {
["y"] = 75,
["x"] = 33,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[2] = {
["y"] = 76,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[3] = {
["y"] = 77,
["x"] = 32,
["zone"] = 20010,
["zt"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
[4] = {
["y"] = 78,
["x"] = 32,
wenn ich dran denke, poste ich die dateien heute abend wenn ich daheim bin... die anderen vorschläge habe ich schon durch