Habe nun schon öfters im WoW Board Threads gesehen das Arkan eine reine T5 Mode Erscheinung ist und ab T6 eh wieder eine 10/48/3 Skillung besser ist.
Dazu gibt es nun aktuelle Info`s von Manly einem Mage von Elistjerks. Den Thread kennen bestimmt schon einige hier.
ElistJerks Forum
Gestern hat Manly auf einem 2.2 Live Server reinen Arcane Missile Spam getestet mit MSD als Meta, ohne die Verwendung von AB oder Arkaner Macht. Er trägt einige Haste Items von BT/Hyal und T6. Und ich muss sagen die Ergebnisse haben mich mehr als beeindruckt, vor allem hatte er wesentlich weniger Mana Probleme wie angenommen wurde.
Man sollte beachten das dies nur 1 erster Testversuch war und bestimmt auch noch einiges an Optimierungsspielraum zulässt.
Greets Hibbo
WoW Web Stats
rage winterchill - 1641 dps - (note: lots of mana left at the end, used mage armor by mistake, mistimed my AP so results were quite suboptimal)
WoW Web Stats
anetheron - 1584 dps - (adds duty, mage armor by mistake again I believe. mistimed AP/pom pyro.)
WoW Web Stats
kaz'rogal - 1202 dps - (wearing 340 sr. Had basically > 60% mana at any given time due to jow. Was using mage armor. Misused AP/POM pyro. Basically, next time I won't wear any SR gear since JOW is just that retarded with a shadow priest. I was also using crusade over ashtongue in fear that I could possibly be mana screwed.)
WoW Web Stats
azgalor - 1121 dps - (wearing 340 sr. No JOW, but finished with 0 mana. Evocation got silenced after 1 tick. Mage armor. I resisted every silence I believe, save one or 2. It was definately nice, but next time I will be using AB spam with 200sr as it gave me much better results last time.)
<insert exalted hyjal ring>
WoW Web Stats
naj'entus - 1476 dps - (Mage armor, lots of spare mana at the end. Barely used evocation. This was the fight where I had a big interrogation mark on, as I never had any kind of decent numbers on them - as arcane. AM spam really pushed a good 200 dps above what I am used to. This is far above my own expectations out of AM spam. I think spell interruption prevention really gave out excellent numbers there. Flasked)
WoW Web Stats
supremus - 1268 dps - (Mage armor. Some spare mana at the end. I used a brief evocation. I went and kept ashtongue trinket over a non-stacking trinket, since I figured usually I don't want procs on movement fights. Usually I go for icon over crusade. I decided to go against my common sense and go for the throat. I couldn't possibly be more right. Additionally, since we only had 2 warlocks, COS was only up during kite phases, whereas coe was always up. Not that it made a difference anyway. Flasked)
WoW Web Stats
teron gorefiend - 1694 dps - (Molten armor. No need for evocation with JOW. I intentionally DID NOT use POM/pyro so I could see results from only AM spam. I also screwed up on the gear, I was still wearing belt of blasting (2x +12dmg) from akama over waistwraps of infinity, which is much much less damage. This was a mistake on my part.)