World of Warcraft History


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Da ich mich sehr gut mit der Warcraft Geschichte auskenne, dachte ich mir, ich lass alle dran teil haben
bzw. Shadaim dachte das.

Eine Woche lang könnt ihr euch einen Historischen Charackter aus Warcraft aussuchen und den stelle ich dann hier vor.
(einen Charackter der in den Strategiespielen, Büchern oder als wichtige Person in World of Warcraft in Erscheinung tritt.)

Abstimmen könnt ihr entweder hier oder als Kommentar zum dazu gehörigen Blog in meinem Profil, was vllt etwas übersichtlicher wäre.

ich freue mich auf eure wünsche

euer Blackeurope
sry für spamm aber wer is das der kommt auf jeden nich in wc3 vor(oder war das einer der Todeslords[Heißen die so?]) die hießen doch malganis, maly... und ka^^(oder xD)

Hmm ich wär für öhh mhh GENAU Medihv!^^

Drachen-Aspekt der Magie und Anführer der blauen Drachen. FTW

Malganis und Co. sind Schreckenslords.

Medivh ist der, der das Dunkle Portal geöffnet hat und in Karazhan residierte bis ihn Sargeras übernommen hatte und ihn dadurch nach und nach seinen Tod besiegelte .
Ich habe angefangen, die Bücher mit Begeisterung zu lesen...darum bin ich auch ein bißchen informiert

Aber Maly...klingt gut...oder DEATHWING

Die Aspekte rocken eh, meiner Meinung nach!
Danke erstmal und über medihv wollt ich eigent. mehr erfahren als nur den Standart wo ist er geboren wer sind seine Eltern hatte er geschwister was hat er gemacht bis er das Dark portal geöffnet hat usw.^^
Danke erstmal und über medihv wollt ich eigent. mehr erfahren als nur den Standart wo ist er geboren wer sind seine Eltern hatte er geschwister was hat er gemacht bis er das Dark portal geöffnet hat usw.^^

Also ob der Vater von Medihv bekannt ist, weiss ich net, aber seine Mutter war doch auch eine Wächterin von Tirisfal namens Aegwyyn oder so, die Sargeras davon abgehalten hat, in Azeroth einzufallen und ihn schließlich besiegt hat.
habs leider nur auf englisch gefunden für alle dei englisch kommen hier alles über medivh
[edit] Birth

Medivh's mother, Aegwynn, served as the Guardian of Tirisfal before him. Eight centuries before the coming of the orcs, she fought and seemingly defeated Sargeras. This was according to the demon lord's plan, as he used the opportunity to transfer his essence into her body, where he would lay in wait.

Forty-five years before the coming of the orcs, Aegwynn desired to give birth to a child to whom she could pass on her powers, against the wishes of the Order of Tirisfal. She seduced the court conjurer of the kingdom of Azeroth, Nielas Aran, who was a powerful sorcerer of the Order in his own right. Naming the boy Medivh, which means "keeper of secrets" in the high elven tongue, Aegwynn was unaware that Sargeras had possessed the defenseless child while it was still in her womb. The boy, and Sargeras, were given all of Aegwynn's powers, which were to lay dormant until he reached adulthood.
[edit] Childhood

Medivh had a happy childhood, primarily spent with friends Prince Llane Wrynn and Anduin Lothar. One day, while out on the road, Medivh and his friends were ambushed by three trolls. None were hurt badly, however, Medivh fainted after having casted several spells.[5] He would at some point succumb to a coma on his fourteenth birthday, awaking in the middle of the night from evil dreams, where he pictured figures giving chase through deep chasms. In a sweat, he stumbled into his father's room, and when his father touched his brow, the power his mother had given him awoke. By the time the force had subsided, his father was dead and Medivh nearly so himself. In a coma that spanned over twenty years, Medivh was tended by his friend Lothar, as well as the clerics at Northshire Abbey. It is unknown if the two events are connected in some way.
[edit] The fallen Guardian

Medivh awoke over twenty years later under a facade of control, and assured the court and his mother Aegwynn that he was fine. But the dark spirit of Sargeras twisted his thoughts and emotions towards an insidious end. With Medivh's powers growing exponentially daily, he had set out to know everything, and he even consorted with the Legion of the Lower Planes. He began to search for something with which to destroy the humans of Azeroth, who he saw as the only thing standing in his way of true power. He found that on Draenor. Bargaining with the warlock Gul'dan from his chambers in the tower of Karazhan, Medivh promised to furnish Gul'dan with the location of the Tomb of Sargeras if Gul'dan would bring the Horde to Azeroth and destroy the humans. And so, aided on the other side by Gul'dan's Shadow Council, Medivh opened the Dark Portal between Azeroth and Draenor.

Aegwynn then appeared to Medivh, trying to reason that this was the wrong path to take, but he heard nothing. They battled, with Medivh emerging the victor and banishing her from his sight. But the battle had drained him, so he attempted to draw power from the very land itself.

It was shortly after this time that the mages of Dalaran sent Medivh an apprentice. This young apprentice was known as Khadgar, a name which among the dwarves meant Trust. Time passed as "Young Trust" studied under Medivh. They lived within his tower, Khadgar studying, Moroes serving as his aide, and Cook the Chef.
Medivh as seen in Warcraft I
Medivh as seen in Warcraft I

Around this time, the war began picking up between the orcs and the humans, as the orcs increasingly struck out of the Black Morass. Medivh was sober about this, even remarking that it was happening as planned.[6] Khadgar would be the first to discover that it was Medivh whom has brought the orcs upon the lands of Azeroth.

During this time, Khadgar and the Horde's emissary, Garona Halforcen, had an audience with King Llane and Anduin Lothar, where Lothar was convinced of Medivh's corruption. Lothar, one of Medivh's best friends, led a troop of human forces, which included Khadgar and Garona, to deal with the crazed Guardian. During the battle with Medivh, Khadgar - magically aged by Medivh's spellwork - held Lothar's blade to the Guardian's chest, and finally ran it through Medivh's heart. The demon within him awakened at that point, right up until Lothar delivered the mercy stroke, decapitating the Guardian and banishing Sargeras into the Nether.

At the height of his powers, Medivh worked his magics and struggled with Sargeras in his tower of Karazhan. His powers were such that the trauma of his death laid a curse on his once wondrous tower and the surrounding area that became Deadwind Pass. The tower has become such a dangerous and accursed place, that those that venture in never return (Violet Eye chainBC ). Medivh's magics created Medivh's Beetle at the time of the Second War.
[edit] A prophet emerges
Medivh appeared to Thrall in a vision
Medivh appeared to Thrall in a vision

Long after the Second War, a strange prophet appeared to various denizens of Azeroth. He appeared to deliver a warning of a looming apocalyptic threat. The young Warchief of the Horde - Thrall, son of Durotan - sensed the truth of his words and set sail to the ancient lands of Kalimdor in the far west beyond the sea. With the humans, however, he found some difficulty.

King Terenas of Lordaeron and Antonidas of Dalaran both dismissed the prophet as a madman. The King's son, Prince Arthas, refused to leave his beleaguered people. Only the young daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, and apprentice of Antonidas, Jaina, sensed that he was perhaps right. When he appeared to her after the destruction of Stratholme, she heeded his warning and prepared to leave for the west. She set sail with a group of her people just as the invasion began.

The prophet remained aloof for some time, until he reappeared to Thrall and Jaina as they prepared to do battle with each other. He told them that they must cease hostilities if they ever hoped to defeat the Burning Legion. They reluctantly agreed to his words.
Medivh could turn into a raven. Here, he lands in the Lordaeron Throne Room to deliver his warning to King Terenas.
Medivh could turn into a raven. Here, he lands in the Lordaeron Throne Room to deliver his warning to King Terenas.

Finally, the prophet revealed his identity when the time came to rally the forces. Appearing to Thrall; the night elves Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind; and Jaina; in a dream, the prophet told them that they must form an alliance to battle the common enemy. He told them that he was, in fact, Medivh, the Last Guardian of Tirisfal, and that it was his doing that brought the orcs, and, in turn, the Burning Legion, to Azeroth.

Jaina, Thrall, and Tyrande became convinced that victory could only be achieved through an alliance, and they rallied together to defend the World Tree, Nordrassil. In the final hour, nature's spirits, called into action by the Horn of Cenarius' clarion call, swarmed around Archimonde, and destroyed the demon once and for all.

Confident that the world was safe for now, and that he had repaid a fraction of debt for his terrible sins, Medivh vanished, to take his place "amongst the legends of the past."
[edit] Deaths
As seen in Shadows & Light
As seen in Shadows & Light

Medivh's death is unique in that it has been experienced by players in at least three different ways. In the original Warcraft game, the player had to enter his lair and slay him. His lair was filled with summoned and cave beings: Skeletons, scorpions, fire elementals and daemons. Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona are all absent. Medivh's death was clearly described in The Last Guardian, where it is clearly established that he was slain by the three listed above - with Khadgar wielding the blade that was run through Medivh's heart (and Lothar then decapitating him). Finally, in the interlude The Last Guardian in the Eternity's End campaign in Warcraft III, Medivh is shown in a flashback being killed by human footmen. Though the captain figure in the scene could be Lothar, Khadgar and Garona are nowhere to be seen.

In Tides of Darkness its explained that Lothar was with Garona, Khadgar and a handful of men when they defeated Medivh, perhaps combining all three versions.TOD 8, 9
[edit] Resurrection
The official Medivh action figure.
The official Medivh action figure.

His choice to remain uninvolved directly in the third war led some to believe he was a ghost.S&L 45.

In fact, Medivh had been resurrected by his mother using the last of her magic when it became clear that a new threat loomed over the world of Azeroth - a threat in the form of the Scourge, the latest weapon of destruction devised of by the Burning Legion.[7] Aegwynn had survived the battle with Medivh, whom promptly set up magical wards to ensure that his mother lived in peace.[8]

Exactly what happened to him after the events of the Battle of Mount Hyjal are unknown; he might have met the end of his wandering on Azeroth, dying or somehow departing the material plane, or simply have retired somewhere distant. More recently, a black raven can be seen endlessly circling Karazhan, leading some to suggest that the Last Guardian may linger on in some form. Nontheless, his fate remains unknown.

wollt ihr das nun selbst erzählen oder darf ich in den nächsten tagen?

Die Drachen find ich persöhnlich auch sehr interessant.
Medivh natürlich sowieso da es mein lieblings Held ist.

Aber auch Sargeras ist sehr interessant oder Malfurion. es gibt ja recht viele. wen ich z.B: auch klasse finde ist Brox (Broxigar) dessen bruder man ja in World of Warcraft sieht. den bestimmt auch schon jeder gesehen hat.
achja ich hab gildenintern im forum 3grössere themen behandelt...der scharlachrote kreuzzug (zb thyrs hand,deren quasi hauptstadt ist aus den nordischen sagen abgeleitet; thyr verlor seine hand als er den hund odins füttern musste),dalaran und goblins mit ihren handelsprinzen und kartellen

alles subber intresting