Anfänger hat Fragen und Probleme


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Leider habe ich als Anfänger ein paar Probleme:
1. Gibt es einen allgemeinen Chat, wenn ja wo?
2. Emotes fehlen? Als RPler ziemlich öde..

Dann hab ich da noch ein Questspezifisches Problem. Beim Quest "Rechtmäßig Unser" in der Zwergenwelt finde ich das schmutzige Gold einfach nicht in meinem Inventar oO kann mir da wer helfen?

Was für Berufe eignen sich für einen Zwergen Runenpriester

Wäre super wenn mir wer hilft!

Leider habe ich als Anfänger ein paar Probleme:
1. Gibt es einen allgemeinen Chat, wenn ja wo?
2. Emotes fehlen? Als RPler ziemlich öde..

Dann hab ich da noch ein Questspezifisches Problem. Beim Quest "Rechtmäßig Unser" in der Zwergenwelt finde ich das schmutzige Gold einfach nicht in meinem Inventar oO kann mir da wer helfen?

Was für Berufe eignen sich für einen Zwergen Runenpriester

1. /1 [text] allg Channel für die jeweilige Zone
2. Emote gibts, gibt einen Button wo du aufrufen kannst, ca 70Emotes

Im Inventar gibts nen extra Reiter für Quest Items

Jeder kann jeden Beruf erlernen, mach das was dir Spass macht ^^
Allgemeine Chat

muss mit kennzeichnen
/1 -dein Text-

Emos/ Gefühle gibt es über 70 stück

rechtsklick auf Chat --> Befehlsliste --> Gefühle

jetzt bekommst die gesamte Anzahl angezeigt

Meisten sind aber noch englisch, sollte aber kein Problem heut mehr sein!
Vieeeeeeelen vielen Dank ^^ Das mit den Questitems hat mir wahnsinnig geholfen.

Den chat scheint es auf dem RP server nicht zu geben.. mh :/

Bleibt nurnoch die Frage nach dem Beruf:

Wie kann man sich verwerter denn vorstellen?

1. /1 = Allgemeiner Chanel
2. habe ich auch noch keinen Plan

3. Es gibt nur 2 produzierdende Berufe. Der eine baut Talismane (?) und der ander braut Tränke.
Es gibt aber 4 "sammelnde" Berufe, von denen Du einen ausübern kannst.
im handbuch steht fast alles drinn mal lesen

Danke für die liebe Antwort.

Im Duden steht übrigens auch, dass man "drinn" nur mit einem n schreibt. Am besten mal lesen, mh?

Allen anderen vielen Dank für die Antworten! Hat wirklich sehr geholfen
Dritter Post und schon ein Rechtschreibflame. Gratuliere, bis auf Forentrolle kriegt das kaum einer hin.
Wenn ihr eurem Char etwas Leben einhauchen wollt, hier kommt was ich gefunden habe (ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit):

/APPLAUD - You applaud.
/APPLAUD (player) - You applaud (player) - (you) applauds you.

/BABBLE - You babble.
/BARK - You bark!
/BARK (player) - You bark wildly at (player)!
/BARK (yourself) - You bark happily to yourself!
/BEAM - You beam!
/BEAM (player) - You beam at (player).
/BLINK - You blink.
/BLINK (player) - You blink at (player).
/BLINK (yourself) - You close your eyes for a moment.
/BOW - You bow.
/BOW (player) - You bow to (player).

/CACKLE - You cackle!
/CHANT - You chant a solem vow.
/CHEER - You let out a cheer!
/CHEER (player) - You turn to and cheer!
/CHEER (yourself) - You burst out in a resounding cheer!
/CHUCKLE - You chuckle.
/COUGH - You cough.
/COWER - You cower.
/COWER (player) - You cower away from (player)!
/CURTSY - You curtsy.
/CURTSY (player) - You curtsy to (player).

/DANCE - You dance around the room to music only you can hear.
/DROOL - You drool.
/DUCK - You duck your head.

/EAT (player) - You bite (player)!
/EXHALE (player) - You glance at (player) and slowly exhale.

/FLAIL - You flail your arms about.
/FLINCH - You flinch.
/FLIRT - You bat your eyelashes.
/FROWN - You frown.
/FROWN (player) - You frown at (player).

/GAG - You gag.
/GAG (player) - You look at (player) and gag.
/GAWK - Your jaw drops.
/GAWK (player) - You gawk at (player).
/GIBBER - You gibber incoherently.
/GIGGLE - You giggle.
/GLANCE - To check your hands for items.
/GLANCE (player) - You glance at (player).
/GLARE - You glare.
/GLARE (player) - You glare at (player).
/GRIMACE - You grimace.
/GRIN - You grin.
/GRIN (player) - You grin at (player).
/GULP - You gulp.

/HICCUP - You hiccup.
/HISS - You hiss.
/HISS (player) - You hiss at (player).
/HISS (yourname) - You inhale sharply, hissing through your teeth.
/HOWL - You throw back your head and howl!
/HUG (player) - You hug (player).

/IGNORE (player) - You turn away from (player), ignoring him/her.

/KICK (person) - You kick (person)!
/KICK (while sitting down) - You throw a glorious temper tantrum!
/KISS (player) - You kiss (player).
/KISS (player) HEAD - You kiss (player) on the forehead.
/KISS (player) NOSE - You kiss (player) on the nose.
/KISS (player) CHEEK - You kiss (player) on the cheek.
/KISS (player) WRIST - You kiss (player) gently on the wrist.
/KISS (player) ELBOW - You kiss (player) on the inside of the elbow.
/KISS (player) HAND - You kiss (player) on the hand.
When joined with that player, you can:
/KISS (player) LIPS - You kiss (player) on the lips.
/KISS (player) MOUTH - You kiss (player) on the mouth.
/KISS (player) EAR - You kiss (player) on the ear.
/KISS (player) NECK - You kiss (player) softly on the neck.
/KNEEL - You kneel.

/LAUGH - You laugh out loud!
/LAUGH (player) - You look at (player) and start laughing
/LAUGH EVIL - You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter.
/LEAN - You shift your weight.
/LICK - You stick out your tongue.
/LICK (player) - (If lying down and joined to that person in a group) - You kiss (player) deeply.
/LISTEN - You carefully listen, but don't hear anything unusual.
/LISTEN (player) - You listen carefully to (player).

/MARCH (yourself) - You march back and forth a bit.
/MOAN - You moan.
/MUMBLE - You mumble something under your breath.
/MUTTER - You mutter something inaudible.
/MUTTER ABOUT (something) - You mutter something about (something).
/MUTTER (text) - You mutter (text).

/NOD - You nod.
/NOD (player) - You nod to (player).
/NUDGE (player) - You elbow (player) in the ribs in a playful sort of way.

/PANIC - You gasp in terrified panic, trembling and flailing your arms about!
/PANIC (player) - You look at (player) and panic!
/PALE - You feel the blood drain from your face.
/PANT - You pant.
/PEER (player) - You peer quizzically at (player).
/PET (player) - You touch (player).
/PINCH - You crack your knuckles.
/PINCH (player) - You give (player) a good pinch!
/PINCH (yourself) - You pinch yourself.
/POKE (player) - You poke (player) in the ribs.
/POUT - You pout.
/PRAY - You kneel down and begin your prayers.
/PUNCH (player) - You punch (player)!
/PUNISH (player) - You beat (player) severely.

/RAISE FIST - You raise your fist in a display of defiance.
/RAISE HAND - You raise your hand.
/ROAR - You roar!
/ROAR (player/item) - You roar at (player/item)!
/ROCK - You rock back on your heels.
/ROCK (while sitting) - You clasp your arms around your knees and rock back and forth.
/ROLL EYES - You roll your eyes.
/RUB (player) - You rub (player).

/SALUTE (player) - You turn towards (player) and render a sharp hand salute.
/SCOFF - You scoff.
/SCOFF (player) - You scoff at (player).
/SCOLD (yourself) - You smack your forehead with the palm of your hand!
/SCOWL - You scowl.
/SCREAM - You scream!
/SCREAM (yourself) - You clear your throat.
/SHAKE HAND [with] (player) - You shake hands with (player).
/SHAKE HEAD - You shake your head.
/SHIVER - You shiver.
/SHUFFLE - You shuffle your feet.
/SIGH - You sigh.
/SLAP (player) - You haul off and slap (player) up'side the head!
/SLAP (yourself) - You slap yourself on the forehead! Doh!
/SMELL - You sniff.
/SMILE - You smile.
/SMILE (player) - You smile at (player).
/SMIRK - You smirk.
/SNAP - You snap your fingers.
/SNAP (player) - You snap your fingers at (player).
/SNEER - You sneer.
/SNEEZE - You sneeze.
/SNICKER - You snicker.
/SNORT - You make a horrendous pig-like noise.
/SNUGGLE (player) - You snuggle up to (player) and rest your head on their shoulder.
/SOB - You sob.
/SQUEAL - You squeal.
/SQUEAL (player) - You look at (player) and squeal.
/SQUINT - You squint.
/SQUINT (player) - You squint at (player).
/STRETCH - You stretch.
/SWAY - You sway side to side on your knees.
/SWEAT - You break out in a sweat.
/SWEAT (player) - You glance at (player) and begin to sweat.
/SWEAT (yourself) - You tense, beads of sweat forming on your brow.
/SWEAT HEAVY - You begin to sweat heavily.

/TAP - You tap your foot impatiently.
/TAP (player) - You lightly tap (player) on the shoulder.
/TAP (yourself) - You tap yourself on the chest.
/TICKLE (player) - You tickle (player).
/TOUCH (player) - You touch (player).
/TWIDDLE - You twiddle your thumbs.

/WAIL - You wail!
/WHEEZE - You wheeze, trying to catch your breath.

/YAWN - You yawn.
/YAWN (player) - You glance at (player) and yawn.
/YAWN (self) - You stifle a yawn.
/YELP - You let out a yelp!