Neuer Beta Build 8885 - viele änderungen für jäger


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blizz hat nen neuen beta build gebastelt, hier die patchnote für den jäger, mit wie ich finde sehr großen veränderungen an "aspekt der viper" und der "Volltrefferaura", ich hab mal die meiner meinung nach wichtigsten hervorgehoben

blizzard schrieb:
Beast Mastery

* Aspect of the viper changed to: The hunter takes on the aspect of the viper, instantly regenerating mana equal to 100% of the damage done by any ranged attack or ability, but reduces your total damage done by 50%. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.


* Beast Mastery (Tier 11) now grants you 4 extra pet skill points. (Previously 5 pet skill points)
* Separation Anxiety (Tier 10) changed to: When your pet is greater than 20 yards from you or is out of line of sight of you, its damage is increased by 4/8/12/16/20%, and when you and your pet are within 20 yards of each other, you and your pet's movement speed is increased by 2/4/6/8/10%.
* Aspect Mastery (Tier 3) changed: Aspect of the Viper - Reduces the damage penalty by 10%. Aspect of the Monkey - Reduces the damage done to you while active by 10%. Aspect of the Hawk - Increases the attack power bonus by 50%.


* Kill Shot now deals [ 15% of RAP + 2500 ] damage and doesn't deal additional damage against targets under 20% health.
* Hunter's Mark changed: Places the Hunter's Mark on the target, increasing the ranged attack power of all attackers against that target by 110. In addition, the target of this ability can always be seen by the hunter whether it stealths or turns invisible. The target also appears on the mini-map. Lasts for 2 min.


* Trueshot Aura (Tier 7) now increases the attack power of party and raid members within 45 yards by 10%. Lasts until cancelled. (Previously, increased the attack power of party and raid members within 45 yards by 225. Lasts until cancelled.)
* Wild Quiver (Tier 9) - You have a 4/7/10% chance to shoot an additional shot when doing damage with your auto shot, dealing 60% Nature damage. Wild Quiver consumes no ammo. (Previously, you have a 4/7/10% chance to shoot an additional shot when doing damage with your auto shot, dealing 60% damage.)
* Combat Experience (Tier 6) now increases your total Agility by 3/6% and your total Intellect by 3/6%. (Previosuly, 1/2% of total agility and 3/6% of total intellect)
* Concussive Barrage (Tier 5) changed to: your successful Auto Shot, Multi-Shot and Volley attacks have a 2/4/6% chance to Daze the target for 4 sec. (Previously, it was only auto shot)
* Improved Arcane Shot Tier 3) now increases the damage done by your Arcane Shot by 5/10/15%. (Previously, reduced the cooldown of arcane shot by 0.2/0.4/0.6/0.8/1 sec)
* Rapid Killing (Tier 3) - Chimera shot is no longer included in this proc, and auto shot has been removed from it.
* Improved Hunter's Mark (Tier 2) - Changed to increase the bonus attack power granted by your Hunter's Mark ability by 10/20/30%, and reduces the mana cost of your Hunter's Mark ability by 33/66/100%.


* Disengage changed to: You attempt to disengage from the target, leaping backwards. Must be facing the target.


* Hunting Party (Tier 10) changed to: Your Arcane Shot, Explosive Shot and Steady Shot critical strikes have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to grant up to 10 party or raid memebers mana regeration equal to 0.5% of the maximum mana per second.
* Expose Weakness (Tier 7) changed to only work for the hunter.
* Lock And Load (Tier 4) changed to: You have a 33/66/100% chance when you trap a target and a 5/10/15% chance when you Sting a target to cause your next 3 Arcane Shot or Explosive Shot spells to trigger no cooldown, cost no mana and consume no ammo. (Previously, was 10/20/30% chance when you sting a target)
* Trap Mastery[NYI] (Tier 3) changed to: Frost Trap - Increases the duration by 30%. Freezing Trap - If your freezing trap is dispelled within 5 sec of it's duration, the dispeller will be rooted in Frozen Ice for 6 sec. Immolation and Explosive Trap - Increases the damage done by 30%. Snake Trap - Increases the number of snakes summoned by 30%
* Survival Tactics (Tier 3) reduces the change your traps will be resisted as well. (Previously did not include trap spells)

ok also blizzard scheint hier halwege was umzuwälzen...der sv jäger wird zur sogenannten "mana battery" wie blizz das immer nennt, exposed weakness gibs net mehr im klassischen sinn (wirkt nur noch auf einen selbst), was den klassischen sv jäger doch recht verändert, den ap bonus macht jetzt der mm-jäger mit +10% ap auf alle raidmitglieder

was haltet ihr davon? also ich muss mich daran erstmal gewöhen, bin selber sv jäger

also ich muss mich daran erst gewöhnen, find des aber net unbedingt schlecht, weil es werden doch ziemlich grundelegende sache an den 3 jägerbäumen gemacht, wird wohl jetzt immer ein mm jäger im raid sein, ein sv jäger und der rest bm's oder?

edit: ich fummel grad en bissel mit dem neuen talentbuild rum...frage scheint wohl geklärt zu sein wer im raid das verbesserte mal skillt...nämlich keiner, ist abgeschafft das das auch die meele ap erhöht, hier übrigens der link zu neuen talentrechner:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Also bis das man jetzt 4 statt 5 Punkte hat finde ich die Änderungen toll das mit Viper wird jetzt einfach mal kurz reingehauen bis man wieder voll Mana hat und dann wieder zurück zum Falken. Das mit dem 10% ap Bonus ist auch weit besser den so wird der MM sehr Raid tauglich durch die Änderungen .
Wir haben einen Laberthreat für die Änderungen - der sollte weiter geführt werden

Der SV-Hunter wird zum sogenannten "friend to invite" ... Ein Raid braucht genau EINE Mana-Battery - nicht mehr, diese wird weiterhin sehr wahrscheinlich der SPriest bleiben :ß
Siehe meinen Kommentar halt in dem andren Threat - keine lust 2 aktive zu einem thema zu haben ^^

Da sollte es weiter gehen >
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator: