

Mitglied seit
ich wollt mal fragen ob jmd weis ob die zu WotLK angekündigte Tanzschule noch kommt bzw. was mit dieser Idee passiert is..
Oder war ich etwa so dämilch mich veräppeln zu lassen? O.o

Grüße, Foxi
So ..Bluepost..gestern gemacht

Dance Studio - Blizzard promised me a (dancing) pony!
New dances remain a work in progress and we do not have plans to implement them prior to Cataclysm.

[...] We absolutely wouldn't advertise something in a trailer if we have no intention of including that feature. The trailers are virtually always created more than a year prior to the release of what they're advertising. All of the features are planned -- or work on them has already begun -- but we never know until much closer to the release date what features might have to be shelved to ensure bigger features are polished.

We announced new dances for Wrath of the Lich King and a good deal of work went into them, but we weren't happy with the feature overall as we got closer to release. We decided we would hold off on trying to push it out anyway and focus on bigger projects.

This is the nature of good development, even if it leaves some disappointed. (Source)

Neien, es kommt nicht so schnell, wurde eingestampft vorerst bzw. in der Liste nach hinte verschoben
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
BuffedCast hören

Also die entwickeln zwar aber ist aber nicht so weit oben in der "to do" liste