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<p class=kop-2>Main Config</p>
<p class=kop-2-p> </p>
<p class=standaard>You can change some default options in the server.ini by changing the [Main config] section.</p>
<p class=standaard>The default options look like this:</p>
<p class=standaard>[Main Config]</p>
<p class=standaard>ExternalIPDectection=1</p>
<p class=standaard>HTTPServer Port=14534</p>
<p class=standaard>HTTPServer Enabled=1</p>
<p class=standaard>DateTimeFormat=dd-mm-yyyy hh:nn:ss</p>
<p class=standaard>TCPQueryPort=51234</p>
<p class=standaard>BoundToIp=</p>
<p class=standaard> </p>
<p class=standaard>ExternalIPDetection is an option for Windows servers only. When right clicking the icon in the tray, a menu will popup, and there is an option to detect your IP’s. If you set this option to 0 it will be disabled in windows and no IP’s will be detected. Note that this function sends a small packet to the TeamSpeak homepage and the return of this package makes your IP identifiable for the server.</p>
<p class=standaard>You can change the default port of the webadmin function of the TeamSpeak server in HTTPServer Port. Set it to a port you wish. After that you can open the webadmin page by typing in the IP of your server and the corresponding port (<a href="http://yourip:yourport"><span class=hyperlink>http://yourip:yourport</span></a>).</p>
<p class=standaard>If you want to disable the webadmin function set HTTPServer enabled to 0.</p>
<p class=standaard>DateTimeFormat is a setting that allows you to change the format these are shown. It is adviced to just keep these default settings.</p>
<p class=standaard>The TCPQuery port can be altered. Just replace the default port with a port you would like to have.</p>
<p class=standaard>If the computer your TeamSpeak server is installed on has multiple IP’s you can set the proper IP in the BoundToIP= option. Just fill in the IP you want to use.</p>
<p class=standaard> </p>
<p> </p>
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kann mir jemand helfen? Ich hab von sowas 0,0 Ahnung
MFG Mikrowelle