Verstärker umskillen?

Enhancer macht halt einfach Spaß =)

Und um ehrlich zu sein, ich hatte nie Probleme mitgenommen zu werden, auch rnd nicht. Und im Raid hat ja der Enhancer seine feste Rolle, da vertreibt ihn auch bis wotelka niemand. Es ist recht lustig zu sehen, wie Furys, Schwertschurken und Retris der Raidleitung zu Füßen liegen, um in die Gruppe mit dem Enhancer zu kommen xD.

Wenn jmd einen Enhancer in einer Gruppe nicht mitnimmt, weil er der Meinung ist, dass er zu wenig dmg macht und nicht supportet, der hat einfach keine Ahnung, schon allein, wenn die Rotation stimmt, kann man als Enhancer schon aus schlechtem Equip ne Menge rausziehen.

Also, wenns dir Spaß macht, dann bleib dabei.

Gruß von einem überzeugtem Enhancer
meinen beobachtungen nach, was random-raids betrifft, werden wesentlich mehr verstärker wie eles gesucht :/
was auch daran liegen mag das in den randoms wesentlich mehr nahkämpfer zu finden sind wie sonst wo.
Also wenn du als Verstärkerschami im Raid Totemtwisting nutzt dann bist du definitiv der Held! Und jeder 25er Raid hat mind. 1 Meleegruppe dabei. Wie schon mehrfach erwähnt jeder halbwegs organisierte Raid der ein wenig was versteht nimmt dich sofort mit.
Die nehmen Dich nicht nach TdM mit? Ein Schamane hat keine CC?
Dann zitiere ich mal ein blog:
Death is the Best CC
Shamans have crowd control! It's called: death, and it's unbreakable. Take your sheep and go home magey!

Du kannst locker einen Stoffi aus den Socken hauen in TdM/hero. Lies mal dies hier und dann viel Spaß

Windfury Crits
They key is to start with a Grounding Totem down. You have to do this at least 10 seconds before the pull to ensure your cooldown is up again. When the tank pulls there are going to be multiple caster mobs and you won't always catch your mob's spell in the grounding but you need to have it down early. For the packs on the lower level the tank is going to LoS pull for the most part, so start out peaking around the corner and after he pulls Purge the Fel Armor. He won't recast it, it will get him to pay attention to you and not the tank, and the slightly less spell damage helps. Once he's around the corner if your Grounding Totem has been sucked up already then drop another. Start beating on that lock. Hard. Now here's the trick: on his first cast Earth Shock him even if your Grounding Totem is down and would suck it up anyway. You have 40 seconds before the totem despawns so let it suck up the second cast, if there is one. You need to abuse the CD's blizz gives you. This way if he goes for a quick cast after the first one is shocked your totem picks it up and you have your ES ready for the third cast. The rotation is Grounding, Purge, LoS, Grounding (again if needed), Earth Shock, let Grounding absorb, Earth Shock.

If you let the totem absorb the first cast and you shock the second one, you're completely without means of interrupt on the third cast. And worse, if he gets a heal from the Physician or a Blood Knight you are now behind in the cooldown rotation and going to start taking Immolates and Incinerates. And the latter blows up the former making you one crispy shaman.

When there are Magisters in the group you're going to take a spell in the face because you can't control which spell gets grounded. But for the most part my CC-via-death works wonders. I HIGHLY recommend practicing on regular mode to get a feel for it. Once you do, you're ready to take your CC to the big leagues.

It's gotten to the point that I ask tanks to assign me casters in other heroic runs now. Since my aggro can't be controlled we decided to use my powers for good and not for evil! That rotation plus windfury crits on a clothie = Shaman CC

You read it here first! Shamans have crowd control! It's called: death, and it's unbreakable. Take your sheep and go home magey!