Wer ist der größte im ganzen Land?

Mit dem Noggenfogger-Elixier wirst höchstens kleiner aber nicht größer.

das ist der trank der die angriffskraft erhöt ...
und man wird zum bonus größer ...
also nix dabei ... tauren sind überhaupt auf allen anderen mounts größer als andere
ausser auf kodos !
btw: korrekt würde es "Yes he does" heissen und nich "Yes he thinks"
Who fucking cares? ^_^

Well... at least, who of these bad-educated english-haters actually does care about wether "think", "thinks" or "does" is correct? They got their localized WoW and that's all they need.. bloody bastards
So where exactly did you learn English, Broyn? Venus, Saturn or did you just have some pretty bad english teacher?

The question "you think...?" is a shorten version of "do you think....?"

Answering it, you have to use the auxiliary originally used in the question, which in this case is to do. Therefore, the correct answer is "yes, he does".

For further questions concerning english grammar: http://www.ego4u.de/de/cram-up/grammar/short-answers
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So where exactly did you learn english, Broyn? Venus? Saturn?

In the terribly boring town of Belmont, North Carolina, where I grew up.

Kleiner Tip: nur weil etwas in Schulbüchern steht, muss es nicht zwangsläufig Teil der Gegenwartssprache sein.

Wo wir gerade bei Klugscheisserei erster Güte sind: es muss "learn English" heißen.
Honestly, "yes he does" sounds far more... normal o,O" than "yes he thinks" because just repeating the verb "think" sounds like you simply don't know it better, so you repeat it.

And even if it may be present language, doesn't mean it's right either. Same in German with "im Sommer letzten Jahres". Everybody uses this phrase, but it is definitely wrong.
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Honestly, "yes he does" sounds far more... normal o,O" than "yes he thinks" because just repeating the verb "think" sounds like you simply don't know it better, so you repeat it.

I admit that it sounds odd, but I wouldn't call it "wrong".

And even if it may be present language, doesn't mean it's right either. Same in German with "im Sommer letzten Jahres". Everybody uses this phrase, but it is definitely wrong.

One important difference between English and German is the way the language "consolidates". English does not identify itself with a major institution (e.g. the "Duden") or a set of official rules like German. The English language is the language spoken by people on the street at the present time. Take a look into the OED for an example how that works out.
Schön das ihr hier euer Englisch verbessert ^^
und das ganze mal aufzulösen ...
Buff in Senjin geholt + Feuerwasser der Winerfälle ... leider kann man dann nicht noch elixier des riesenwuchses reinhauen ... und der Schamanen buff kommt glaube dann nicht mehr mit dazu (größenmäßig) ... aber sogenau weiss ich das nicht mehr *kopfkratz*
da auf dem screen ist er aber nicht mit aktiv

und naja den Thread kann man auch in einen anderen Forumsbereich schicken ... da kann man auch in Ruhe über he/she/it diskutieren

hmm aber woher wollt ihr wissen das ich männlich bin
hab ich nirgens angegeben ...
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I admit that it sounds odd, but I wouldn't call it "wrong".
Ok, odd is probably the better choice
But I guess this is also becuase I'm used to the English I'm tought ...

One important difference between English and German is the way the language "consolidates". English does not identify itself with a major institution (e.g. the "Duden") or a set of official rules like German. The English language is the language spoken by people on the street at the present time. Take a look into the OED for an example how that works out.
Could say the same about German. At least in some cases. Best example is the word "googeln", which is against all common sense part of the newest edition of the Duden. So, it is considered correct German. Asking citizens I'm sure nobody would take googeln as a normal german expression, everybody says it's an imported english word. So: What's right?

That's not a question of countries, it's a question of globalization and how inhabitants "feel" their language

But I think, we should get back to topic now... let's manage that on PMs^^

Die beste Möglichkeit, übergroß zu werden, ist an Halloween sich eines dieser pumpkins einzupfeiffen... dann Taure + Kurenai und Feuerwasser... ^^
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