- Mitglied seit
- 09.12.2006
- Beiträge
- 4
- Reaktionspunkte
- 0
- Kommentare
- 8
Hey Leute,
zur Zeit gibt es im Paladinforum auf WoW´ ein riesen Aufstand. Der Grund dafür ist das frühzeitige Zerstören bzw. Nerfen der Klasse Paladin durch Blizzard. Ein Richturteil, welches sehr viel am Manareg des Vergelters ausgemacht hat, wurde stark generft und zudem hat Blizzard zuvor schon Rache, ein Damage Talent, generft. Ok viele wissen das es die BETA ist aber vorherige Szenarien seitens Blizzard haben gezeigt das die Klasse denen am Arsch vorbei geht. Wir wurden schon vorm Release von BC generft und waren total geschwächt. Dann als viele Palas und andere Klassen 70 wurden, hat Blizz gemerkt "Oha die sind ja OP.....NERFEN!"
Aber bevor ich noch mehr schreibe was euch nicht interessiert zeig ich euch folgendes:
At Isthel's request, here is the third thread.
Having looked at some of the more recent changes, it's pretty obvious that at least part of the Blizzard company is listening to us, so I think I'll keep giving them that $15 per month, after all---as long as I still have time to play, anyhow. So the first paragraph of my original OP is somewhat moot, but oh, well: I'll re-post it, anyhow.
And if Judginator or anyone like him comes in here trolling again, pay no attention to him. I, for one, will click the little icon next to his name with a red X, since, try as I might to be fair and reasonable with him, he won't reciprocate that courtesy.
Anyhow, here's the re-posting of my original OP:
I've tried a few crazy things to get the devs attention over the years---most have had no positive effects to speak of. Here's my last-ditch effort before I stop giving them $15 per month: a mockumentary.
I've been working on this video for weeks; it's an attempt to discern whether Blizzard hates paladins or not that looks at paladins' history, going more or less in chronological order. I feel like this movie is almost more a slideshow with voiceovers and some occasional footage than it is a movie, but I figure so long as it's informative and funny enough to get attention, it'll still work.
It's my hope that this video will inform the masses and get through to the devs---communication from Blizzard is so scarce that it's hard to tell whether the forums are working or not.
Meh, enough of my long writing (hence my name); here are links to the parts of it that are out right now, and placeholders for links to the future parts that haven't yet been made:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: What is (or should be) a Paladin
Part 3: From Beta to Blunder
Part 4: Pink is the Color of Hate <---(version with no inaccuracies, but less funny IMO) <---(this version or part 4 has a factual inaccuracy, but I think it was funnier)
Part 5: Patch One Point Nein (no typo) <---factual inaccuracies corrected
My excuse for part 5 not having a link at first:
Part 6: I Have Nothing to Wear! <---factual inaccuracies corrected (again)
Part 7: The Reckoning is not at Hand
Part 8: The Burning Crusader
Part 9: Pink is Still the Color of Hate
EDIT: I may change what these final parts are...we'll see...
Part 10: Patched Up
Part 11: Patched Down
Part 12: ...Whose Wrath?
Part 13: Final TallY With a Big Why
Part 14: Credits, Outtakes, Miscellany
(It'll be done when it's done!)
If there's something I'm leaving out, please don't hesitate to let me know before it's too late and I've already covered that segment in time.
Zu guter letzt will ich die Leute von Buffed bitten, diesen Aufruhr veilleicht in die News zu schreiben damit es die komplette Community erfährt. Klingt jetzt zwar bischen übertrieben aber ich denke, dass es vielleicht hilft wenn sogar Communityseiten über sowas berichten
zur Zeit gibt es im Paladinforum auf WoW´ ein riesen Aufstand. Der Grund dafür ist das frühzeitige Zerstören bzw. Nerfen der Klasse Paladin durch Blizzard. Ein Richturteil, welches sehr viel am Manareg des Vergelters ausgemacht hat, wurde stark generft und zudem hat Blizzard zuvor schon Rache, ein Damage Talent, generft. Ok viele wissen das es die BETA ist aber vorherige Szenarien seitens Blizzard haben gezeigt das die Klasse denen am Arsch vorbei geht. Wir wurden schon vorm Release von BC generft und waren total geschwächt. Dann als viele Palas und andere Klassen 70 wurden, hat Blizz gemerkt "Oha die sind ja OP.....NERFEN!"
Aber bevor ich noch mehr schreibe was euch nicht interessiert zeig ich euch folgendes:
At Isthel's request, here is the third thread.
Having looked at some of the more recent changes, it's pretty obvious that at least part of the Blizzard company is listening to us, so I think I'll keep giving them that $15 per month, after all---as long as I still have time to play, anyhow. So the first paragraph of my original OP is somewhat moot, but oh, well: I'll re-post it, anyhow.
And if Judginator or anyone like him comes in here trolling again, pay no attention to him. I, for one, will click the little icon next to his name with a red X, since, try as I might to be fair and reasonable with him, he won't reciprocate that courtesy.
Anyhow, here's the re-posting of my original OP:
I've tried a few crazy things to get the devs attention over the years---most have had no positive effects to speak of. Here's my last-ditch effort before I stop giving them $15 per month: a mockumentary.
I've been working on this video for weeks; it's an attempt to discern whether Blizzard hates paladins or not that looks at paladins' history, going more or less in chronological order. I feel like this movie is almost more a slideshow with voiceovers and some occasional footage than it is a movie, but I figure so long as it's informative and funny enough to get attention, it'll still work.
It's my hope that this video will inform the masses and get through to the devs---communication from Blizzard is so scarce that it's hard to tell whether the forums are working or not.
Meh, enough of my long writing (hence my name); here are links to the parts of it that are out right now, and placeholders for links to the future parts that haven't yet been made:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: What is (or should be) a Paladin
Part 3: From Beta to Blunder
Part 4: Pink is the Color of Hate <---(version with no inaccuracies, but less funny IMO) <---(this version or part 4 has a factual inaccuracy, but I think it was funnier)
Part 5: Patch One Point Nein (no typo) <---factual inaccuracies corrected
My excuse for part 5 not having a link at first:
Part 6: I Have Nothing to Wear! <---factual inaccuracies corrected (again)
Part 7: The Reckoning is not at Hand
Part 8: The Burning Crusader
Part 9: Pink is Still the Color of Hate
EDIT: I may change what these final parts are...we'll see...
Part 10: Patched Up
Part 11: Patched Down
Part 12: ...Whose Wrath?
Part 13: Final TallY With a Big Why
Part 14: Credits, Outtakes, Miscellany
(It'll be done when it's done!)
If there's something I'm leaving out, please don't hesitate to let me know before it's too late and I've already covered that segment in time.
Zu guter letzt will ich die Leute von Buffed bitten, diesen Aufruhr veilleicht in die News zu schreiben damit es die komplette Community erfährt. Klingt jetzt zwar bischen übertrieben aber ich denke, dass es vielleicht hilft wenn sogar Communityseiten über sowas berichten