Eure liebsten Songtextausschnitte

Band: Eisregen
Songname: Darf man nicht im korrekten Wortlaut nennen.

"Was zählt, ist nur die Kunst!"

Im Grunde gibt es unzähliges allein von Eisregen und In Flames.
Dismember - Skin Her Alive

Screams echoed in the distance
And I cannot ignore
Smiling at the memories
When I slaughtered the whore

Skin her alive

Hollywood Undead - The Loss

Have you ever met a living legend,
Just a real friend
Who planned his end?
And where do I began
You said it was pretend.
And when the bullet went through
It took more then just you,
It took two, it was you,
It was me, and suddenly
How can someone say they're helpless?
And then they act so selfish.

Heaven Shall Burn - Black Tears

Depression is my only friend.
Will this torture never end?
Let me carry on to the dreamers sky.
I keep crying in my dreams.
Can you hear my endless screams?
When I fade away, I fade away.

Haribo Macht Kinder Froh - Highfives and Breakdowns





The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Brigde

Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner
Sometimes I feel like my only friend
Is the city I live in, the city of angels
Lonely as I am, together we cry

Nirvana - Rape me

Rape me
Rape me,my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
Heaven Shall Burn - Black Tears

Depression is my only friend.
Will this torture never end?
Let me carry on to the dreamers sky.
I keep crying in my dreams.
Can you hear my endless screams?
When I fade away, I fade away.

Man sollte halt erwähnen, dass HSB den Text nicht geschrieben haben.


Insecurities are hidden with comforting words "I love you" meaningless as the next "Fuck you".

More than Life - Never Ender
Man sollte halt erwähnen, dass HSB den Text nicht geschrieben haben.


Insecurities are hidden with comforting words "I love you" meaningless as the next "Fuck you".

More than Life - Never Ender

Ist halt ein Cover. Aber der Songausschnitt in Heaven Shall Burns Version berührt mich viel mehr als in der Version von Edge of Sanity.

Atreyu - Stop! Before It's too Late and We've destroyed it All

I live, I stalk, I hunt, I eat,
With indifference for all.
I walk, I kill, I sleep, I breathe,
Slowly taking control.

The sickest part of our species,
Ravenous to evolve.
We spread like a fucking disease,
No vaccine protocol.

And at the end of days,
This will be our legacy we...
Kill, kill, multiply,
Untill the skies are black and the rivers dry.
Take, take, we take our time,
We leave no one else behind.

SoaD - B.Y.O.B


Barbarisms by Barbaras, With pointed heels.
Victorious, victorieas, kneel.
For brand new spankin deals
Marching forward hypocritic
and hypnotic computers.`
You depend on our protection,
Yet you feed us lies from the table cloth.


Everybody’s going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

kneeling roses disappearing,
into Moses’ dry mouth,
breaking into Fort Knox,
stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,
Fozzy - Wormwood (14minuten, unterteilt in 6 Parts also vom Lyric) Ich find davon alle genial aber ich Post einfach mal Part 2 :>

[II. The Seven Seals]

On through the dead of night
See the four horsemen ride
I saw the lamb open wide
The seven seals are broken

The white horse is given a crown
The conqueror bent on conquest
The red horse is given a sword
Taking peace from the world, slayer of men

The black horse is given a scale
The deliverer bringing famine
The pale horse is given the force
Die by the sword, sickness and plagues

Souls that are in slain
Testimony maintained
The sun a black snake
Devastating earthquake

Heaven is still, raining fire at will
Heaven is still, raining fire at will
Atreyu - Shameful

Can you breathe in, reach in, and let it out?
The evil inside, thats eating you out, tonight.
With every venomous move, I will suck you up and spit you
get out of my life, get out of my sight.

... schon bissl pervers. O.o
Blumentopf - Manfred Mustermann

Ich bin nicht wie die anderen -

- und merk selbst, wie seltsam das klingt.
Was macht ein Mann
Was macht ein Mann
Der zwischen Mensch und Tier
Nicht unterscheiden kann

Er wird zu seiner Tochter gehen
Sie ist schoen und jung an Jahren
Und dann wird er wie ein Hund
Mit eigen Fleisch und Blut sich paaren
Sportfreunde Stiller: ...Ich liebe mein Leben, so ist das eben,

                                 Und zwar trotzdem, trotzdem und nicht deswegen,... 
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Dornenreich - Trauerbrandung
Manch' Empfindung dringt zum Herzen
als die Wucht aller Schmerzen,
Doch dies bitterwonnige Beben,
ist mein Puls für inniges Leben.

Dornenreich - Mein Publikum
Der Moment ist dabei Publikum.
Mein Lidschlag fordert ihn heraus,
mein Lächeln ist wie sein Applaus,
Und manchmal gleicht mein leerer Blick
seinem enttäuschten Entsetzen,
denn wenn ich ihm nichts mehr zeigen kann,
erhebt er sich - verlässt mich schnell,
und nur einem gefällt meine starre Not,
nun ist es vorbei.

Denn da klatscht

Der Tod.
Most Precious Blood - The Great Red Shift

This is my life down here with me
One mistake for which I still pay dearly
after a granted wish
for annihilation
The dissection of definition
the bitter bite of memory
Cringing in anticipation
The reflections on which we used to rely
crushed were we to discover
that they could only lie
Don't lie to me and say you'd die for me
What would you die for

Dazu muss man vielleicht sagen, dass das der komplette Song ist.
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Knochenfabrik - Der nackte Golfer

Ihr seid alle Abschaum ich will euch nicht mehr sehn
denn seit heute bin ich Gott und ihr seid stinkendes Gekreuch
Mein Reich wird endlich kommen und mein Wille wird geschehn
wie im Himmel so auf Erden denn ihr labert dummes Zeug

Die Karten sind verteilt ihr habt die Luschen auf der Hand
in euren Feinripp-Unterhosen spannt die Naht
Vollgeschissen steht ihr mit dem Rücken an der Wand
und ändert eure Meinungen um 180 Grad

Ich bin der nackte Golfer und poliere meinen Schläger
ich entblösse meine Scham und werfe Fensterscheiben ein
Ihr seid geisteskranke Tiere und ich bin euer Jäger
ich ziele auf den Kopf und schlage alles kurz und klein
Green Day - Time of your life
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.
Devil Driver - I dreamed i died

Destroy all, destroy all or nothing

I dreamed I died, ended up at the gates of Heaven
Greeted by a man Saint someone, said how’s the ride son?
It’s been alright, at times a little rough, but why am I here?
You did alright, lived a little dark and that’s alright

‘Cause we made the darkside and the rightside is to have no fear, no fear
My whole life flashed in front of me
I saw everything that I was and what I had done
Even let me look back on some good times for a little fun
Yes, a little fun
And then I heard damn boy you done good
Did the every little thing that you could
And then I heard damn boy you done good
Damn good

When you hear the call, bury them all
Destroy all or nothing
When I hear the call, I will bury them all
I will destroy all or nothing
My Chemical Romance - Famous last words
I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay, I'll be forgiven
Nothing you can say can stop me going home

Placebo - Battle for the sun

I, I, I will battle for the sun, sun, sun
And I, I, I won't stop until I`m done, done, done

Serj Tankian - ...

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

The Sorrow - Anchor in the storm / Apnoia

Tomorrow's dawn will never come
The sky turns black and goes on as night
The stars will fade and the sun will descend
All live will vanish as the storm hits the shore
The world known today cannot return

An ocean in despair
As clouds turn into deepest grey
The horizon comes closer and hearts beat faster
The last breath taken is getting one with the storm

Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst.
Vergess den Rest der Welt,
wenn du bei mir bist.

Du bist das Beste was mir je passiert ist,
es tut so gut wie du mich liebst.
Ich sags dir viel zu selten,
es ist schön dass es dich gibt.

Wenn sich mein Leben überschlägt,
bist du die Ruhe und die Zuflucht.
Weil alles was du mir gibst,
einfach so unendlich gut tut.

Wenn ich rastlos bin,
bist du die Reise ohne Ende.
Deshalb leg ich meine kleine große Welt
in deine schützenden Hände.
Muse - Resistance <3

It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right
It could be wrong, could be wrong, to let our hearts ignite
It could be wrong, could be wrong, are we digging a hole?

It could be wrong, could be wrong, this is out of control
It could be wrong, could be wrong, it can never last
It could be wrong, could be wrong, must erase it fast
It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should have been right
It could be wrong could be....

Love is our resistance
They'll keep us apart and they wont to stop breaking us down
Hold me
our lips must always be sealed

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Enter Shikari - Mothership <3²

Go tell all your friends that this is the end
Go tell all your friends that this is the end
Go tell all your friends that this is the end
This is the end

I don't understand a word you're saying
what are the clouds running from?
There's something in the air tonight
Something is wrong, spit it out!

I just fell from the Mothership
They said that
Your answers, were always lying on the ocean bed
Your answers, were always lying on the ocean bed
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SoaD - B.Y.O.B


Barbarisms by Barbaras, With pointed heels.
Victorious, victorieas, kneel.
For brand new spankin deals
Marching forward hypocritic
and hypnotic computers.`
You depend on our protection,
Yet you feed us lies from the table cloth.


Everybody's going to the party have a real good time.
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine.

kneeling roses disappearing,
into Moses' dry mouth,
breaking into Fort Knox,
stealing our intentions,
Hangars sitting dripped in oil,

aber sowas von!!!

Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
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Halte aus mein Freund das Sein, denn morgen kanns noch schlimmer sein
Halte aus des Lebens Bürde, stehe aufrecht und mit Würde.
Folge einer Stimme nur, die der eigenen Natur
Trotze hart dem Mittelmass, Genügsamkeit bringt keinen Spass.

Ref. : Es wird schlimmer (schlimmer) als es ist, doch wir werden besser,

(besser) als das feige graue Heer von müden Allesfressern.

Es wird schlimmer (schlimmer) als es ist, doch wir werden besser,
und wenn die Zeit
(die Zeit) gekommen ist, dann wetzen wir die Messer.

Blind vetrauen wir der Elite, bis einer kommt der noch mehr bietet.

Schöne Märchen uns verspricht, die Wahrheit wissen wolln wir nicht.
Die Lüge ist einfach zu tragen, Realität schlägt auf den Magen
Drum üben wir uns in Verzicht und hetzen weiter klagend mit.

Blind Guardian - Another Stranger me

A seed of doubt
It exists
And it grows
A glimpse of life
From somewhere deep within
Awake and understand

Is there anyone else here?
Somebody´s screaming
Please help me
Let´s find out now
That I am not dreaming
Welcome to my damnation
Here it comes the real me

I didn´t know
I couldn´t hear the answer
My mind was blank
I should´ve known
I hold it back but somehow
There is someone else
Another stranger me
Another stranger me

When the ice
Will break away

I can´t get out of here
Cause none of my keys
Fit the door

There´s fear and anger
Hate and love
I must confess
It´s out of hand

It´s physic
It´s cynic
Still cynic
All my laughter

It´s cynic
Just manic
It´s cynic
All her laughter

If there´s anyone in
It soon will be over
We´ll burn out
Our soul´s aflamed
And we´re on our own now
Give up you cruel invasion
You´re insane I´ll show you

I didn´t know
I couldn´t hear the answer
My mind was blank
I should´ve known
I hold it back but somehow
There is someone else
Another stranger me
Another stranger me

Out and gone
Can´t resist
Cold and sore
The bolt of pain
Keeps ripping through my head
I can take no more

Don´t tell anyone else but I
Do not believe her
She hates me
I cloud my mind
She´s a deceiver
I can feel cruel vibrations
Would you like to meet me

I didn´t know
I couldn´t hear the answer
My mind was blank
I should´ve known
I hold it back but somehow
There is someone else
Another stranger me
Another stranger me

Soilwork - Downfall 24 ab (2:22)

[font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"]You're saying to me:
How could you do such a thing
Cause I've paid, every mistake
building a void impossible to replace.
[font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"] [/font]

[font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"]Und dann die Musik dazu - episch![/font]
[font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"] [/font][font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"] [/font][font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"] [/font]
[font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"][font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]
[font="Verdana, arial, sans-serif"]Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage! xD
[font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"][font="Verdana, Arial"]Fire in the disco
Fire in the taco bell
Fire in the disco
Fire in the gates of hell

Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
It's my desire, It's my desire, It's my desire

Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
It's my desire, It's my desire, It's my desire

Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, When we kiss
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, when we kiss
When we touch

Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, When we kiss
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, when we kiss
When we touch, when we kiss

Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
It's my desire, It's my desire

Don't you want to know how we keep starting fires?
It's my desire, It's my desire

Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, When we kiss
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, when we kiss
When we touch

Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, When we kiss
Danger! Danger! High Voltage!
When we touch, when we kiss
When we touch, when we kiss

No more

Fire in the disco
Fire in the disco
Fire in the taco bell
Fire in the disco
Fire in the disco
Fire in the gates of Hell

Gates of Hell
[font="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"] [/font]
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