Magier | Patches 3.1-3.2: Datensammlung


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Interessante und wichtige Änderungen im Patchverlauf von 3.1.0 bis 3.2.0 (PTR Version)



* Arcane Blast stacking effect is no longer considered a Magic effect and will not be dispelled.
* Mage Armor: Now grants 50% of mana regeneration while casting.
* Mirror Image: The images no longer cast Polymorph.
* Molten Armor: Chance to critically strike is now increased by a percentage of the mage’s total spirit.
* Talents
o Arcane
+ Arcane Meditation: Now grants 17/33/50% of mana regeneration while casting.
o Fire
+ Ignite: The damage done by this talent no longer receives modifications from effects that increase or decrease damage done by a percentage.
+ Improved Scorch: Increased critical strike chance is now 1%, down from 2% per application of the Improved Scorch effect. In addition, the critical strike chance of Scorch, Fireball, and Frostfire Bolt is increased by 1/2/3%.
+ Pyromaniac: Now grants 17/33/50% of mana regeneration while casting.
o Frost
+ Improved Water Elemental: Renamed Enduring Winter. Instead of the Water Elemental increasing mana regeneration for the mage’s party, casting Frostbolt now has a 33/66/100% chance to provide the Replenishment buff to up to 10 people in the mage’s party or raid.
+ Winter’s Chill: Increased critical strike chance is now 1%, down from 2% per application of Winter’s Chill. In addition, the critical strike chance of Frostbolt is increased by 1/2/3%.

# Mage

* Glyph of Arcane Barrage: Reduces the mana cost of Arcane Barrage by 20%.
* Glyph of Deep Freeze: Increases the range of Deep Freeze by 10 yards.
* Glyph of Ice Armor: Now increases resistance and armor by 50%.
* Glyph of Ice Barrier: Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your Ice Barrier by 30%.
* Glyph of Living Bomb: The periodic damage from your Living Bomb can now be critical strikes.
* Glyph of Mirror Image: This glyph has been redesigned and now increases the number of copies of the mage to 4.

Classes General

# Mana Regeneration: The amount of mana regeneration derived from intellect and spirit has been reduced by 40%; however, talents that allow for mana regeneration while in combat have been increased. As a result, in-combat regeneration for classes with those talents will stay the same, while out-of-combat regeneration will be lower.
# The shaman’s Fire Elemental and Spirit Wolves, mage’s Water Elemental and Mirror Images, and druid’s Treants have all gained avoidance from area-of-effect damage similar to what warlock and hunter pets already have.

# Players level 40 and higher will now be able to visit their trainer to pay a one-time fee and access the dual talent specialization feature.


* Mirror Images: The images summoned by this spell will now target the creature that most hates the Mage, and should no longer cast Fire Blast or Frostbolt on targets that are affected by crowd control debuffs that break immediately on damage unless they are already casting these spells when crowd control is applied.

# Equipment Manager

* When enabled from the Interface Options menu, this feature will allow players to store sets of equipment, easily swap between saved sets using hotkeys, and pull items directly from backpacks or bank slots (must be at the bank to equip inventory from the bank).

3.2. PTR Patchnotes

# Dungeon and Raid ID Extensions

* In order to allow for parties and raids to progress through instances at their own pace, players can now extend an instance ID on an individual basis.
* Existing or recently expired IDs can be extended via the Social tab under Raid by clicking on Raid Info.
* The ID of any instance to which a player is saved can be extended. Doing so will extend the instance lock period by the same amount of time as the original lock (i.e. extending an Ulduar instance ID will add 7 days, a Heroic: Halls of Lightning instance ID will add 24 hours, and a Zul'Gurub instance ID will add 3 days to the instance lock time).
* An ID can be extended more than once.
* An extension can be reversed on an individual basis provided the player does not do anything in the instance during the extended instance lock period that would save that player to the instance.

# Ulduar

* Players can now use Blink, Shadowstep, and Demonic Teleport while participating in the illusion events in the Yogg-Saron encounter.

# Any dungeons that previously dropped Emblems of Heroism or Valor, such as Naxxramas or Heroic Halls of Stone, will now drop Emblems of Conquest instead. Emblems of Conquest can still be converted to Valor or Heroism.

# Item Buy Back Feature Revised

* The Item Buy Back time will now expire if the player enchants or sockets an item. Players will see a confirmation dialog box now when they attempt to enchant or add gems to an item giving them a last chance to reconsider.

# Mana Regeneration: All items that provide "X mana per five seconds" have had the amount of mana they regenerate increased by approximately 25%.

# Resilience: No longer reduces the amount of damage done by damage-over-time spells, but instead reduces the amount of all damage done by players by the same proportion. In addition, the amount of resilience needed to reduce critical strike chance, critical strike damage and overall damage has been increased by 15%.

Classes: General

* All pets now receive 40% of their master's resilience and 100% of their master's spell penetration. In addition, if a player is at their appropriate spell hit chance or hit chance maximum, their pet will be at the maximum for spell hit chance, hit chance, and expertise. If they are below the maximum, their pet will be proportionately below those maximums.
* Replenishment: This buff now grants 1% of the target's maximum mana over 5 seconds instead of 0.25% per second. This applies to all 5 sources of Replenishment (Vampiric Touch, Judgements of the Wise, Hunting Party, Enduring Winter Frostbolts and Soul Leech).


* Arcane Blast: Mana cost reduced by 12%.
* Frost Bolt, Cone of Cold, Frost Ward, Ice Armor, Frost Armor, Frost Nova, Ice Lance, and Ice Barrier: The mana cost on these spells has been reduced by approximately 15%.
* Invisibility: Can no longer be interrupted by a hostile action or damage done during the 3-second Fade time, however an invisible mage is still vulnerable to Stun and Silence effects.
* Mirror Image: Images will no longer trigger the death sound when their time expires.
* Talents
o Fire
+ Empowered Fire: In addition to its existing effects, this talent now also grants a 33/67/100% chance to regain 2% of base mana each time the Ignite talent deals damage.
o Frost
+ Empowered Frostbolt: Instead of increasing critical strike chance by 2/4%, this talent now reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 0.1/0.2 seconds.
+ Permafrost: In addition to its existing effects, this talent now also causes the mage's Chill effects to reduce healing received by the victim by 7/13/20%.

# Item Comparisons: Holding the shift key while hovering over an item will now display the stat differences with the item currently equipped in the relevant slot.

# Mage Tier-7 2-Piece Bonus: Now grants 25% additional mana from mana gems, down from 40%.

# Mages

* Arcane Instability: Tooltip reworded to clarify design intent.
* Burning Determination: Some Silence and Interrupt effects that did not trigger this talent will now trigger it properly, including Shield of the Templar, Garrote and Gag Order.
* Combustion: Fire spell misses will no longer trigger this talent.
* Conjure Refreshment: Rank 1 food will no longer overwrite the drink buff from rank 2 food.
* Fireball: Periodic damage from this spell can no longer trigger Combustion.
* Living Bomb: Periodic critical strikes from this ability can now trigger Ignite and Hot Streak.
* Mirror Image: The mirror images will no longer complete casts of Frostbolt on targets which are Polymorphed at the time their Frostbolt channel finishes.
* Molten Armor: Critical strikes from the effect on this armor will no longer trigger Ignite.

# Trinkets: Various trinkets which did not work properly with channeled area-of-effect spells will now work with those spells. This includes (but is not limited to) Illustration of the Dragon Soul, Darkmoon Card: Greatness, and Egg of Mortal Essence.