Hab mal n bisschen gestöbert und die Lösung gefunden (auch für Vista 64bit)
Das Problem sind die Sicherheitseinstellungen!
WAR wird als Admin ausgeführt, der Logitech SetPoint jedoch nicht --> also akzeptiert WAR die Tastenbelgung von dem "nicht-authorisierten" SetPoint nicht!
hier die Lösung Orginal aus diesem Forumsthread -->
"I'm going to assume that since your'e running 4gb of ram w/ a soundcard and a half gig on your gpu that you're running Vista 64-bit.
I also have Vista 64 and an MX revolution and have encountered and fixed this.
The Problem:
WAR requires elevation in Vista to run (most likely due to Punkbuster, but I could be wrong and it might just be bad programming). Elevated programs like WAR will trump keybindings of other programs, such as Teamspeak and Ventrilo (you may have already encountered this). It also trumps the keybindings of Logitech's Setpoint software which you use to bind the MX revolution buttons.
Manual Solution:
The fix is pretty easy, you just need to run the other programs that share bindings elevated. Run Vent or TS elevated and it fixes that. Logitech is a little more involved, but only because it's auto-run. In order to get around that and manually launch it elevated, do the following.
1. Right-click the SetPoint icon in your system tray and select "Exit".
2. Go into Start->All Programs->Logitech->Mouse and Keyboard settings. Right click it and Run as Administrator.
That's the temporary fix that you'll have to do every time you reboot.
Automatic Solution:
You can do a permanent fix to do this automatically by marking the SetPoint.exe to always be run as administrator. To do this, do the following:
1. Open up explorer and go to C:\Program Files\Logitech\SetPoint
2. Right-click SetPoint.exe and go to properties.
3. Click the compatibility tab and check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator."
Note: Windows will automatically block any startup programs from running as administrator. It will block setpoint and put a different try icon & balloon telling you this. All you have to do at that point is right-click it and tell it to run the blocked setpoint program. It's still a hassle, but faster than killing the program and then running it as admin again.
You can also disable UAC entirely but seriously, dont' do that. Its a good security feature that will help protect you from bad things happening, like your comp getting hosed, personal or financial information being stolen, or more importantly your WAR account info getting jacked. Keep it on and endure the minor inconvenience."
Also einfach SetPoint beenden und neustarten -- dann aber als Admin -- oder das ganze automatisieren -- Siehe Schritt 2