Mein WoW Interface


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Mein Interface besteht ausschliesslich aus ACE-Addons. Dadurch habe ich eine wesentlich bessere Performance als mit non-ACE Addons. Ich nutze eine Collection die sich DeuceAce nennt. dort ist alles enthalten was man benötigt.

Hier nun die Liste der Addons in der DeuceAce Collection: (ist echt lang

!Bug Grabber - Grabs the bugs

!OmniCC - Cooldown count

!StoptheSpam - Gets rid of the annoying addon loading system messages at start up

3DUnitModels - Adds 3D models for Player and Target

AceCast - Adjusts the casting bar to account for lag

ag_Unit Frames - Simply the best unit frames evah!

aUF_Layouts - Custom layouts for agUF

aUF_RangeCheck - Unit range detection for aguf

aUF_Banzai - Colors who has agro in ag_uf (red)

Align - Provides a grid to layout your ui

ArkInventory - Bag, Bank and Key mod

AutoBar- Highly configurable bar for consumables, etc.

AutoBar Config - GUI for AutoBar

Automaton - Automates certain parts of your interface

BanzaiAlert - Alerts you to the gain and loss of personal agro

Bartender3 - Best Bar mod evah!

BigWigs - Boss Mod for raids

Buffalo - Custom Buff placement

BugSack - Sacks the bugs

Bulkmail - Bulkmail made easy

Capping - PvP timers [/capping]

Cartographer - Replaces the Bliz default map, and has Instance maps

Cartographer_Herbalism - Notes herbs on your big map

Cartographer_Mining - Notes ore on your big map

Cartographer_Treasure - Notes treasure on your big map

CBRipoff - Casting bar rip of OCB

Cellular - Instant messenger for whispers

ChatSounds - Audio alert for specific chat channels

Chronometer - Timer bars for Skills, HoTs, DoTs and more.

Click2Cast - A simple interface for unitframe casting

ClosetGnome - Outfit changer plugs into fubar

ClosetGnome_BigWigs - Outfit changer for certain boss fights

ColaLight - Adds sell values to the tool-tip

ColaMachine - Data sharing module for ColaLight

cyCirlce - Adds Circle textures to Bartender3

DeuceCommander - Provides drop down menus for mod management [On the Fubar]

Dr.Damage - Theorycraft Light for casters

EQCompare - Compare equipped inventory

ErrorMonster - Redirects errors. Bug Sacks' good friend

Fizzle - Shows character durability and quality in character frame

Free Refills - Automatic refilling of user defined items

Fruity Loots - Puts Loot Frame underneath your cursor

Fubar - A Panel that mods plug into


_clockfu - Small in-game clock

_bagfu - Keeps track of space left in your bags

_duratek - Tracks durability

_xpfu - Monitors exp

_friendsfu - Displays friends online

_guildfu - Displays online guildmates

_honorfu - Tracks your pvp pwnage

_ktmfu - Provides fubar support for KTM

_mailfu - Notifies you of in-game mail

_moneyfu - Show me the $$ !

_nametogglefu - Toggles nameplates with a single button

_oRA2Cooldownfu - Shows raid cooldowns

_performancefu - Monitors FPS, memory usage and garbage collection

_questfu - Provides a better quest display

_topscorefu - Tracks your highest scores

_volumefu - Volume adjustments


gfxToggle2 - Fubar plugin to toggle graphics settings easily

Grid - Raid Frames for healers

GridLayoutforHealers - Adds custom layouts

GridSideIndicators - Adds side indicators

GridStatusHoTs - Adds seperate indicators for HoTs

GridStatusHoTStack - Shows number of HoTs stacked

InFlight - Tracks in-flight times

KLHThreatMeter - Threat Meter

MobHealth - Smart Estimates of Mob health values

MountMe - Automatic equipping of mount items

Mr.Plow - Auto sorts your bags and bank

oRA2 - A better CTRaid ! Yeah.. I said it!

oTweaks - Extends combat log range, targeting range and targeting radius range

Postman - A better Mailbox

Prat - Sexy chat mod

RatingBuster- Converts Combat Ratings into normal percentages on the tooltip

sct - Scrolling Combat Text

sctd - Adds more info to sct

SimpleCombatLog - Sexy, readable! combatlog

SimpleMiniMap - Best minimap evah!

Skinner - Textures

TinyTip - The best tooltip evah!

tinytipextras - modules

tinytipoptions - gui

Voyuer - Inspect frame improvements

WitchHunt - Spell Alert mod[/wh]

XLoot - Remake of the built in loot frame

XRS - Status info about the raid group

Habe aber nicht alle Addons aktiv. Das ist auch nicht nötig, da man nicht wirklich alle benötigt. Der Vorteil von ACE ist auch die Möglichkeit der automatischen Updates. Dafür gibt es den WowAceUpdater. Leider muss man nach einer Aktualisierung seine Einstellungen neu vornehmen. Das kann mitunter schonmal ein bis zwei Stunden in Anspruch nehmen. Aber es lohnt sich.
Ok du hattest recht diese Liste ist total lang. Und 1-2 Stunden nur um aktuelle Addons zu aktivieren? OMG! Ich würd das nicht machen aber was solls. Deinen Beruf finde ich interessant. werd mir gleich mal die Bilder angucken.