

Mitglied seit

Mir geht jetzt schon seit ca. 3 Tagen ein Lied durch den Kopf..... könnte dran liegen das ich es mir andauernd anhör^^
es handelt sich um:
Blind Guardian - Fly

Stop be quite now
Out with the light and
Then up and down it goes

Out with the light

There at the door
The inspiration I've looked for
The spirit of the youth appears

No one ever dares to speak
It's nothing else but fantasy
It's make believe
Make believe

No one ever dares to speak
It's nothing else but fantasy
But one day it all will come to life

Step out of line
And I'll teach you how to fly
Then away we'll go
Leave your mark land of mine
Leave your mark in the land of mine

The second one to right
And then straight on until morning light

Stop be quite now
No irritation
No, not the slightest doubt

We got once
Quick - we better hurry
There from the road I sense
The end of fun gets near
Wonderful thoughts and imaginations
These things will lift you up

What is it like? You ask me, my dear
Will there be fairies or things to fear?
For fairies sake I'd say you better come with me
So soon you'll see
Now up and down it goes and round
Round and round and round

Praise my cleverness
They all follow me
All praise to innocence
That's everything it needs
Fly in
Fly out
They'll leave it all behind

No one ever dares to speak
It's nothing else but fantasy
It's make believe
Make believe

No one ever dares to speak
It's nothing else but fantasy
But one day it all will come to life

Life is a map and it is quite confusing
The lights are up now let the play begin
She flies, she flies
Into the light she flies
No words like "Just" in mind
She's finding Neverland
There one day she dies
Don't stop it now
She still enjoys the scene
Don't stop it now
Don't stop it now
Don't stop it now
Don't stopi it now, now, now

No one ever dares to speak
It's nothing else but fantasy
It's make believe
Make believe
No one ever dares to speak
It's nothing else but fantasy
But one day it all will come to life

Step aout of line
And I'll teach you how to fly
Then away we'll go
Leave your mark land of mine
Leave your mark in the land of mine

Mehr wollte ich garnicht =)
auf das es euch ein Ohrwurm wird.

Bis dann