PvP Items ab 12.12.2006 teurer?

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Quote von drysc:
More than likely the prices will be adjusted for the current honor rewards sometime after the expansion releases to reflect their 'value' more appropriately when compared to expansion items.

That would mean the prices would be going down though, not up.

[edit]Changed original text to indicate that the prices, if lowered, would happen sometime after the release of the expansion and not right when it releases. I wouldn't want to mislead anyone in to thinking that they can save up for release day and spend their honor on newly cheapened items before running in to Outland. Likely that will not be the case.
mal ehrlich obs nu teurer oder billiger wird is doch nebensächlich die hauptsache is das auch gelegenheitspvp zocker wie unsereins mal ne chance haben an vernünftiges equip usw zu komm ohne das sie glei rl aufgeben müssen weil weil die wartezeiten stellenweise 1-2 std sind. i find das neue system gut kannst in ruhe ehre sammel und brauchst kei angst zu haben das du glei 200 plätze verlierst bloß weil mal paar tage nich zum pvp kommst.
mal ehrlich obs nu teurer oder billiger wird is doch nebensächlich die hauptsache is das auch gelegenheitspvp zocker wie unsereins mal ne chance haben an vernünftiges equip usw zu komm ohne das sie glei rl aufgeben müssen weil weil die wartezeiten stellenweise 1-2 std sind. i find das neue system gut kannst in ruhe ehre sammel und brauchst kei angst zu haben das du glei 200 plätze verlierst bloß weil mal paar tage nich zum pvp kommst.

So hier nochma mein Post:

Hier mal ein Post aus dem US forum eines GMs:

"Now that the Before the Storm content patch has been live for the past week, we’ve had a better opportunity to track the rate at which players are accumulating honor, and subsequently how easy it's been to obtain honor rewards. In gauging these elements, we've determined that the effort required to obtain honor rewards is more trivial than we had intended. As a result, during today's maintenance we’ve applied a hotfix that reduced the amount of honor gained by approximately 30%. This change allows the honor rewards to be obtained at rate that better reflects the item’s in-game value.

The reason that we decided to reduce the rate of honor gain rather than simply raise the honor cost of each item, is to ensure that everyone’s time and effort participating in PvP since the patch is not diminished. As this change will only affect future honor accumulation."

Kurz gesagt ab morgen gibts 30% weinger Ehre.

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