Rocktober - Tag 22


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Nach einigen Tagen Abstinenz, habe ich heute ein halbwegs aktuelles Stück Musik rausgesucht:

Pain - Monkey Business vom 2008 erschienen Album Cynic Paradise.
Der Song ist einfach ein geiler Ohrwurm!

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Nachdem ich sowohl Pain als auch Hypocrisy, Peter Tätgrens Hauptband, schon mehrmals live gesehen habe, kann ich nur sagen: Peter Tägtgren ist nicht nur ein Workaholic - er hat's musikalisch auch total drauf!



The touch of magic that you thought you once had
Was wiped out with that smile you forced on your face
You hide your horns and try to bury things in your hate
There's no give and take in your ugly race

Lie after lie
Do the same mistakes again
It's always the same
Time after time
Trying to save us from ourselves
But you're always to late

I'm not gonna take this shit and I'm not gonna drown
Again and again you set the rules for us to lay it down
Suits and ties decide your destiny from dollar signs
And when the goddamn boat starts to sink, they don't care who's left behind

World domination
Tries to save us
Death; our savior

"Step right up people and vote for your favorite disaster!
They are all corrupted so it doesn't really matter"

At night, the limos pulling up to the clubs
Expensive dinners, whores on government credit cards
They've done this for years then they get busted in their act
Then you sit and cry in court and say you'll pay it back

Lie after lie
Do the same mistakes again
It's always the same
Time after time
Trying to save us from ourselves
But you're always to late

I'm not gonna take this shit and I'm not gonna drown
Again and again you set the rules for us to lay it down
Suits and ties decide your destiny from dollar signs
And when the goddamn boat starts to sink, they don't care who's left behind

I'm not gonna take this shit
I'm not gonna drown
I'm not gonna take this shit
I'm not gonna drown