Schurken in Cataclysm!


Mitglied seit
Was haltet ihr davon? Diskutiert!

Ich weiß noch nicht ganz was ich von halten soll.

[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"]****Ambush can now be used with any weapon type!!!
Tooltip at level 81 with no talents: Ambush the target, causing 190% weapon dmg plus 642. (275% plus 930 if a dagger) Must be in stealth, and behind. Awards 2 combo points.

Expose armor: Armor reduction bumped down to 12%, but lasts for 10/20/30/40/50 seconds (based on combo points)

Fan of knives: Changed a bit. Now requires thrown weapon to be used. The cooldown is currently based on the throwing weapon speed. (So my Gluth's fetching knife is 1.8 speed, so my FoK cooldown is 1.8 seconds). This *is* affected by haste, however. I tested by removing gear. With 814 haste I brought it down to 1.53 cooldown. This is definitely noticeable when you're trying to spam for AoE damage.



Blackjack: Even after your sap wears off, it's effects linger on enemies, reducing their damage done by 25/50% for 5 sec. (2 points, 2nd row)

Deadly Momentum: After killing an opp. that yields xp or honor, gives you a 50/100% chance to refresh your slice and dice or recuperate abilities to their original duration. (2 points, 2nd row, linked to remorseless attacks)

Blood spatter: removed from Assassination tree, moved to sub

Improved Expose Armor: Gives a 33/66/100% chance to refund all combo points when performing your expose armor ability. (3 points, 7th row, where murder was before. Original expose armor talent removed)

Murderous Intent: When you Backstab an enemy that is at or below 35% health, you instantly recover 10/20/30 energy. (3 points, 9th row)

Murder: removed

Find weakness: removed

Venomous Wounds: Each time your rupture or garrote deals dmg to an enemy that you've poisoned, you have a 15/30/45 chance to deal 1023 additional nature damage. (3 points, second to last row)


Improved Gouge: Your gouge has a 33/66/100% not to break on bleed damage. (7th row)


Imp Ambush: Talent is the same, but is row 1

Camouflage: same talent, moved to row 1

Opportunity: Moved to row 2. There is now a 3rd rank, boosting the bonus to 10/20/30%. affects the same skills.

Hemorrhage: (unsure if this was last build) An instant strike that deals 110% weapon dmg (160% if a dagger is equipped) and causes the target to take 30% additional dmg from bleed effects for 15 sec. (now in row 3, with no pre-req)

Dagger spec: Same as live, only now it's in sub tree. 1/2/3/4/5% chance to get a crit with daggers. (row 4, pre-req is opportunity)

Energetic Recovery [nyi]: Empowers your recuperate ability, causing its periodic effect to also restore 1 energy. (4th row, currently not working and talent points do not boost it)

Blood spatter: now in sub. increases dmg caused by your garrote and rupture by 15/30%. (row 7)

Enveloping shadows: Same as before, but new part added. Now also increases the duration of your feint ability by 1/2/3 seconds.

Honor among thieves: Increases the critical hit chance of all party/raid members by 1/2/3/4/5%. When any player in your party or raid crits you have a 100% chance to gain a combo point. Cannot occur more than once every 2 seconds.

Sanguinary Vein: Increases your dmg dealt to targets with a bleed effect on them by 2/4/6%. (3 points, 9th row. Linked to blood spatter)

Serrated Blades: reworked. Your eviscerate has a 4/8/12% chance per combo point to refresh your rupture on the target to its original duration. (3 points, second from the bottom)
Talent tree link thanks to Fkuger

It seems to me that they want Sub to have very powerfull bleeds
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was mich grad ein wenig verwundert ist der neue blutsturz, warum hält der debuff nur 15 secs? Bei Kriegern und Dudus hält der doch eine ganze Minute ?!
Was mich wundert ist das so derbe viel auf Blutugen auf baut...
Sollte vielleicht ins Schurkenforum verschoben werden o;
Sollte vielleicht ins Schurkenforum verschoben werden o;


Nagut gehört ja auch irgendwie zum Schurken den Gegner ausbluten zu lassen
bin gespannt wie es letzendlich final aussehen wird.
Und wer sagt dass das überhaupt stimmmt? Abwarten und Tee trinken.
@Saladarxyz: stimmt schon, aber ist dir aufgefallen, dass blizzard die buffs aller klassen angleicht? der hemo buff deckt sich also nicht ganz mit der philosophie von blizzard

Also 1: Hunger for Blood ( Blutgier ) wird entfernt. Das hat irgend ein Blue heute oder gestern in einem Bluepost bestätigt, da Blizzard ja dieses passive prozentuale Dmgerhöhung dingenskirchen bla bla entfernen möchte.

Dann ist das erstmal die alpha version der alpha version ^^ .. da wird noch einiges drum gebastelt.

2. find ich toll das sich nen rogue die mühe gemacht hat - wenn es denn einer war. denn bis her wurde nur vom pala die talentänderungen gespoilt und nu vom rogue.

ich geb dem thread hier aber nicht mehr viel zeit, weil die NDA immer noch bestehen und du damit dagegen verstößt ...


EDIT: ist glaub ich ein fake .. die seite auf der man das nachgucken kann da ist ein Talentbaum-builder .. hab mal bissl probiert .. damit kann man irgendwelche talentbäume basteln ^^
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