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Blue posts
Just one blue post but ... What would we do without priests?
Quote from Blizzard staff
Shadow Word: Pain and Haste in Patch 3.3
We removed Shadow Word: Pain from scaling with haste because we thought Shadow dps was too high with all 3 dots hasted.

There is a bug where you can get big SW:P dots and then keep them rolling at that magnitude forever since the spell gets constantly refreshed. It's a nasty bug to fix. However, that isn't why we removed SW:P from Shadowform.

It's important for classes to want the stats that appear on their gear, but it's not a goal that everyone requires all stats in the same 1:1 ratio. It's a bit unfortunate in the best-in-slot-or-nothing mindset of some of our players that the second and third best stats sometimes get labeled as junk even if they still boost dps beyond a non-trivial degree.

Our stance on simulations remains that they can be good tools when used correctly. We will continue to not pay a lot of attention to posts that simply say "Sims say our dps is too low. Please buff." You can't just accept a simulation's estimate of your dps as what you'll actually see on an encounter. Sim output is fundamentally not empirical data -- it is a model; an attempt to imitate what will really happen. Simulations can be really useful for predicting say an optimal talent or gear configuration for your character. Players have learned a lot of things about class mechanics from the better sims out there. "True dps" is not one of them.

Ich weis nicht wie sehr das den Dmg beeinflusst aber toll isses nicht..

Mfg Loges
Ja die Nachricht ist schon etwas älter und in den englischsprachigen Foren gibts da schon genug hitzige Diskussionen drüber, also warum nicht hier?
Ich mein, es wäre natürlich schön, dass Schattenwort:Schmerz mit profitiert, aber nötig ist es meiner Meinung nach nicht, wir sollten damit zufrieden sein was Blizz so schon für uns gemacht hat!

hab mir einige berechnungen über einzelne klassen und ihren dmg ab 3.3. angeschaut und da war der priester auf platz 2 (mit skallierung von swp) ohne skallierung sind wir so im mittelfeld was ich als ausreichend empfinde..