Allianz @Xavius Deus Ex Machina 5/8 HC

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Our current progression is:

8/8 Dragon Soul "Normal" ( 8 Killed on 25 )
&/8 Dragon Soul "Heroic"
7/7 Firelands "Heroic" ( 6 Killed on 25 ) - Ragnaros killed pre 4.3
6/6 Blackwing Descent "Heroic"
2/2 Throne of the four winds "Heroic"
4/5 Bastion of Twillight "Heroic"

Currently ranked:

Server: 2
Alliance: 2

"H: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping 902 World."
"H: Warlord Zon'ozz 807 World."
"H: Hagara the Stormbinder 965 World"
"H: Ultraxion 687 World "
"H: Warmaster Blackhorn 826 World"

Deus Ex Machina was created, or born if you so wish at the middle of Wotlk with the help of some core members that have been playing side by side for god knows how long. One may think this would be the start of something totally awesome, but alas, this fairytale had a big, evil and ever so vicious ogre called lack of attendence. Due to various reason we had problems putting together our manpower and actually raid on a steady basis. Wich ofc had a few negative impacts, slow progression turned out to be the worst. Even though we could kill any 5-eyed beast that stood in our way it didn´t really happen that fast. Eventually we managed to reach the froozen yoghurt that refered to himself as the Lick King, had a few dances with him and triumphed. The kill was not in any way perfect, chivalry, or remotely worth mentioning, but his hitpoint reached zero and ours did not. Despite it all, we looted his %%!!*%!, not the other way around! The saga of Deus Ex Machina went on with a comfortable pace and here we all stand, at the abyss of the expansion called Cataclysm!

As the headline is revealing we are recruiting capable players for 10man raiding. Capable one might wonder, what is the definition of capable? If you are scratching your back at the moment and perhaps thinking for yourself "Ohhhh, me wanna stand in purple pools, random afk during raids or come totally unprepared" then I am sorry to inform that this is not the guild for you. Just as a sidenote, had a previous raidleader saying, "it is human to fail, stoned seagulls are swimming in bad shiny". Worth taking in perhaps?

The classes I´ve secrectly put up a billboard on saying "WANTED" are as follows, healers of any class, rogues, shadow priests, warlocks and a ever so pretty kitty druid for personal gain! ;D Naah, jokes aside, the kitty druid could prove useful. But, if you are still reading, perhaps sulking for not being one of the divine choosen, fear not! Any capable player, NO MATTER CLASS will be considered if he is willing to prove himself. The classes mentioned above are just thin on the ground and would involve less competition and more shiny purples, but we do not want that horror now do we?

If you would like further information I would recommend having a talk with me ingame or checking our website Sadly I do not contain forum posts, various kill videos or a dude with cables on his head. Do not despair though, this dwarf have a few tricks of his own! So yeah, do not hesitate contacting me ingame if you´d like to discuss the guild, the wheather or even Super Mario, I´m all game!

If you have reached this far you might wonder, will he stop talking @!%#! Haha, in due time young one, in due time. The expectations I and Deus Ex Machina will have of you are as follows:

- Attendece during atleast two raid nights(monday, wednesday, thursday and sunday, 20-23)
- Gemmed and enchanted gear matched with appropriate talent spec
- Tactical knowledge for tonights encounter
- Teamspeak 3
- Decency towards guildies
- Mature and open view on hinters that might be given. Saying something is wrong is one thing, bluntly saying, "you suck" aint really taking us anywhere.

What you can expect from Deus Ex Machina:

- A mature environment and raiding on common grounds
- Ongoing progress in any encounter
- Solid raiding days/chances
- Lots and lots of purple shinys depending if you are braincapped
- Midnight mayhem on the TS slightly after midnight


PS: Here some kill videos
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