die neuen Talentbäume sind in die Beta reingekommen. Leider ist Buffed noch am schlafen.
Der aktuelle Talent Calculator von MMOCHAMPION hat jedoch schon die Neuerungen drin.
Es ist aber dazu zu sagen, dass einige nochnicht FINAL sind.
Hier die Liste, welche Fähigkeiten welche Skillung ab Lvl 10 bekommt:
Death Knight
DK - Blood
A dark guardian who manipulates and corrupts life energy to sustain himself/herself in the face of an enemy onslaught. DK - Frost
An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering rapid weapon strikes. DK - Unholy
A master of death and decay, spreading infection and controlling undead minions to do his/her bidding. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/idruids.gif Druid
Druid - Restoration
Uses heal-over-time Nature spells to keep allies alive, taking on the form of a tree when the need is most urgent. Druid - Feral
Takes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites or a mighty bear to absorb damage and protect allies. Druid - Balance
Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ihunters.gif Hunter
Hunter - Marksmanship
A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar. Hunter - Survival
A rugged tracker who favors using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons. Hunter - Beast Mastery
A master of the wild who can tame a wide variety of beasts to assist him/her in combat. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/images.gif Mage
Mage - Arcane
Manipulates arcane energies, playing with the very fabric of time and space. Mage - Frost
Freezes enemies in their tracks and shatters them with Frost magic. Mage - Fire
Ignites enemies with balls of fire and the breath of dragons. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ipaladins.gif Paladin
Paladin - Holy
Invokes the power of the Light to protect and to heal. Paladin - Protection
Uses Holy magic to shield himself / herself and defend allies from attackers. Paladin - Retribution
A righteous crusader who judges and punishes opponents with weapons and Holy magic. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ipriests.gif Priest
Priest - Discipline
Uses magic to shield allies from taking damage as well as heal their wounds. Priest - Shadow
Uses sinister Shadow magic, especially damage-over-time spells, to eradicate enemies. Priest - Holy
A versatile healer who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal from beyond the grave. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/irogues.gif Rogue
Rogue - Combat
A swashbuckler who uses agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with enemies. Rogue - Assassination
A deadly master of poisons who dispatches victims with vicious dagger strikes. Rogue - Subtlety
A dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush his/her unsuspecting prey. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ishamans.gif Shaman
Shaman - Elemental
A spellcaster who harnesses the destructive forces of nature and the elements. Shaman - Restoration
A healer who calls upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of water to mend allies? wounds. Shaman - Enhancement
A totemic warrior who strikes foes with weapons imbued with elemental power. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/iwarlocks.gif Warlock
Warlock - Destruction
Calls down demonic fire to burn and demolish enemies. Warlock - Demonology
A warlock who uses both Fire and Shadow magic along with powerful demons. Warlock - Affliction
A master of Shadow magic who specializes in fear, drains and damage-over-time spells. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/iwarriors.gif Warrior
Warrior - Arms
Highly trained for battle with two-handed weapons, uses mobility and overpowering attacks to strike his / her opponents down. Warrior - Fury
A furious berserker wielding a weapon in each hand, uses a flurry of attacks to carve his / her opponents to pieces. Warrior - Protection
A stalwart protector that uses a shield to protect himself/herself and his/her allies.
die neuen Talentbäume sind in die Beta reingekommen. Leider ist Buffed noch am schlafen.
Der aktuelle Talent Calculator von MMOCHAMPION hat jedoch schon die Neuerungen drin.
Es ist aber dazu zu sagen, dass einige nochnicht FINAL sind.
Hier die Liste, welche Fähigkeiten welche Skillung ab Lvl 10 bekommt:
Death Knight
DK - Blood
A dark guardian who manipulates and corrupts life energy to sustain himself/herself in the face of an enemy onslaught. DK - Frost
An icy harbinger of doom, channeling runic power and delivering rapid weapon strikes. DK - Unholy
A master of death and decay, spreading infection and controlling undead minions to do his/her bidding. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/idruids.gif Druid
Druid - Restoration
Uses heal-over-time Nature spells to keep allies alive, taking on the form of a tree when the need is most urgent. Druid - Feral
Takes on the form of a great cat to deal damage with bleeds and bites or a mighty bear to absorb damage and protect allies. Druid - Balance
Can take on the form of a powerful Moonkin, balancing the power of Arcane and Nature magic to destroy enemies at a distance. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ihunters.gif Hunter
Hunter - Marksmanship
A master archer or sharpshooter who excels in bringing down enemies from afar. Hunter - Survival
A rugged tracker who favors using animal venom, explosives and traps as deadly weapons. Hunter - Beast Mastery
A master of the wild who can tame a wide variety of beasts to assist him/her in combat. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/images.gif Mage
Mage - Arcane
Manipulates arcane energies, playing with the very fabric of time and space. Mage - Frost
Freezes enemies in their tracks and shatters them with Frost magic. Mage - Fire
Ignites enemies with balls of fire and the breath of dragons. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ipaladins.gif Paladin
Paladin - Holy
Invokes the power of the Light to protect and to heal. Paladin - Protection
Uses Holy magic to shield himself / herself and defend allies from attackers. Paladin - Retribution
A righteous crusader who judges and punishes opponents with weapons and Holy magic. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ipriests.gif Priest
Priest - Discipline
Uses magic to shield allies from taking damage as well as heal their wounds. Priest - Shadow
Uses sinister Shadow magic, especially damage-over-time spells, to eradicate enemies. Priest - Holy
A versatile healer who can reverse damage on individuals or groups and even heal from beyond the grave. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/irogues.gif Rogue
Rogue - Combat
A swashbuckler who uses agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with enemies. Rogue - Assassination
A deadly master of poisons who dispatches victims with vicious dagger strikes. Rogue - Subtlety
A dark stalker who leaps from the shadows to ambush his/her unsuspecting prey. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/ishamans.gif Shaman
Shaman - Elemental
A spellcaster who harnesses the destructive forces of nature and the elements. Shaman - Restoration
A healer who calls upon ancestral spirits and the cleansing power of water to mend allies? wounds. Shaman - Enhancement
A totemic warrior who strikes foes with weapons imbued with elemental power. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/iwarlocks.gif Warlock
Warlock - Destruction
Calls down demonic fire to burn and demolish enemies. Warlock - Demonology
A warlock who uses both Fire and Shadow magic along with powerful demons. Warlock - Affliction
A master of Shadow magic who specializes in fear, drains and damage-over-time spells. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images/icons/iwarriors.gif Warrior
Warrior - Arms
Highly trained for battle with two-handed weapons, uses mobility and overpowering attacks to strike his / her opponents down. Warrior - Fury
A furious berserker wielding a weapon in each hand, uses a flurry of attacks to carve his / her opponents to pieces. Warrior - Protection
A stalwart protector that uses a shield to protect himself/herself and his/her allies.