- Mitglied seit
- 21.03.2008
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Äh haben wir alle dasselbe WC3 gezockt?
Arthas und Ner'zhul wurden NICHT von irgendeinem dritten Geist umgebracht. Die sind mit einander verschmolzen das ist was völlig anderes.
Falsch. -->"Arthas: Aufstieg des Lichkönigs" lesen.
Ich hoffe Ihr seid der englischen Sprache mächtig:
This text is taken from page 306-307 in the novel. In Arthas' dreamworld, he has a conversation with Ner'zhul right after he has killed Mattias Lehner:
"Yes!" the orc exhilirated, laughing lmost manically. "I knew you would make this choice. For so long you have wrestled with the last dregs of goodness, of humanity in you, but no longer. The boy held you back, and now you are free". He now got to his feet, his body still that of an older orc, but moving with the ease and fluidity of the young. "We are one, Arthas. Together, we are the Lich King. No more Ner'zhul, no more Arthas--only this one glorious being. With my knowledge, we can--". His eyes bulged as the sword impaled him. Arthas stepped forward, plunging the glittering, hungering Frostmourne ever deeper into the dream-being that had once been Ner'zhul, then the Lich King, and was soon to be nothing, nothing at all. He slipped his other arm around the body, pressing his lips so close to the green ear that the gesture was almost intimate, as intimate as the act of taking a life always was and always would be. "No," Arthas whispered. No we. No one tells me what to do. I've got everything I need from you--now the power is mine and mine alone. Now there is only I. I am the Lich King. And I am ready." The orc shuddered in his arms, stunned by the betrayal, and vanished.
Das ganze geschag nach der "Verschmelzung", während der Lichkönig 4(?) Jahre lang auf dem Frostthron schlief - wie er "erwacht sieht man im WotKL-Cinematic.
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