- Mitglied seit
- 19.12.2006
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da denk ich mir: "Dalmi", denk ich mir, "dreh doch vor der Arbeit noch ne Runde im Netz."
Und über was stolpere ich dabei?
Auf mmo-champion hat man die bisherigen Informationen zu Patch 2.4 schon mal zusammengefaßt.
Quelle: http://www.mmo-champion.com/
Edit: Aaaaaaaargh.... falscher Forenteil.
Himmel Hilf......
da denk ich mir: "Dalmi", denk ich mir, "dreh doch vor der Arbeit noch ne Runde im Netz."
Und über was stolpere ich dabei?
Auf mmo-champion hat man die bisherigen Informationen zu Patch 2.4 schon mal zusammengefaßt.

* Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers. (Source)
* Spell Haste: Spell haste now reduces the global cooldown on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. This change does not apply to melee and ranged abilities. (Source)
* Patch 2.4 will remove the restriction for Ritual of Summoning that prevents you from summoning players into instances. Provided the player meets the instance requirements, you'll be able to summon them in from anywhere in the world. (Source)
* Once every 24 hours, through Enchanting (not Alchemy) you'll be able to split a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards. This is through a new recipe that's being added in 2.4. (Source)
* Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped. (Source)
* Players will now be able to purchase level 70 Superior quality (blue) PvP items from reputation vendors in Outland. (Source)
* Items intended for Retribution Paladins have had their stats adjusted. Retribution Paladins should see an increase in dps as a result. (Source)
* Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time. (Source)
* Shadow Sight in patch 2.4 is now going to increase damage taken by 5% rather than dealing damage over time. The duration has also been reduced from 21 seconds to 15 seconds. (Source)
* Players will now be able to purchase level 70 Superior quality (blue) PvP items from reputation vendors in Outland. (Source)
* We've reached a point where we're now confident that applying diminishing returns to honor is no longer necessary, and we're currently planning to remove it with the 2.4 patch. (Source)
* Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will not be worth any honor, and if a player dies 50 times or more during a battleground they won’t be worth any honor for the remainder of that battle. (Source)
* What the removal of diminishing returns means for you is that as soon as you defeat an opponent that rewards you honor, you will receive that honor, and you will be able to spend it right then. There will no longer be an estimate, and you will no longer need to wait until the next day until you can actually spend it. Your achievements through honor-based PvP will be instantaneous. (Source)
Dungeons and Raids
* All 25-player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop an additional token! (Source)
* All 25-player raid bosses will drop more gold. (Source)
* Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped. (Source)
* Loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to Bind on Equip. In addition, the cash dropped by these bosses has been significantly increased. (Source)
* Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher rate. (Source)
* A new daily quest will be added for fishing. It's available from "the mysterious old man" near Silmyr Lake outside of Shattrath. (Source)
* When you loot a Bind on Pickup item that only you can pick up (such as Heroic Badges) you'll no longer see the confirmation dialog. (Source)
* When you loot a Bind of Pickup item the confirmation window is going to list the name of the item in the window/ (Source)
* The Feral bears will be seeing an improvement with Lacerate dealing additional damage based on your attack power. (Source)
* Spellsteal will no longer overwrite a longer duration buff. (Source)
* Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time. (Source)
* Items intended for Retribution Paladins have had their stats adjusted. Retribution Paladins should see an increase in dps as a result.
* Priests will now be able to use Fear Ward while in Shadow Form. (Source)
* Healing grace will reduce the chance that all of your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%. (Source)
* Patch 2.4 will remove the restriction for Ritual of Summoning that prevents you from summoning players into instances. Provided the player meets the instance requirements, you'll be able to summon them in from anywhere in the world. (Source)
* Endless rage will now yields the correct amount of rage (25%). (Source)
* Off-hand weapon can now critical hits from Whirlwind trigger Flurry and Rampage (Source)
Quelle: http://www.mmo-champion.com/
Edit: Aaaaaaaargh.... falscher Forenteil.

Himmel Hilf......
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