17.11.2010 Cata

Er/Sie ist ganz klar ein BOL Mitarbeiter *fg*

Gut! Konnten wir dass also auch klären *fg*

Dann bist du ganz klar ein BOL Mitarbeiter

Fazit: Er ist ein BOL Mitarbeiter.

Schonmal an Rechnungskauf gedacht?

Nein. Zu Teuer!

lg Varagon
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gibt es ein officieles datum von blizzard? ist der 17.11 fix?

nein, gibt es nicht...aber neue "inoffizielle" News von Blizzard Insidern (Quelle: mmo-champion.com)

Cataclysm Release Date Postponed (Not Official)
A few weeks ago I announced that the target release date for Cataclysm was November 2. Well, according to an update I just got, the release has been postponed and Blizzard will try to release the game in early December. (Basically, either December 7 or December 14)

The Cataclysm by itself will happen earlier and will let you play in the "new" zone for a couple of days/weeks before you can buy the expansion and access the level 85 content. Keep in mind that they're mostly inside info, they're not official and I just report them because ... well, I'm sure you all want to know when it's supposed to happen.
[selbst entfernt]
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