was allgemeines:
First content patch of WotLK will have ground mounts no longer dismount in water, they can swim!
Ravenholdt inc?
Thanks for the achievement and titles. Any chance to extend championing to work with other reps?
We're looking at other outdated reputations that are really grindy to raise. For example fixing Ravenholdt rep.
Bind on account items scale. Any chance to use this on Legendaries to scale?
Getting legendaries is a lot harder than heirloom items and we don't want to have to farm old raids to gear alts. Right now there's no plan but we plan to add special effects to legendaries.
Combat spec?
We've worked a lot on it, and we suspect it scales better than other trees, we're testing and we have our eye on it.
Achievement points are easier to get than Sha'tar rep. Please don't give items for them.
They won't ever be used for ingame items, only for fun and cosmetic stuff.
Dailies feel repetative.
We want to do more randomized daily quests, not just cooking. We have a better quest interface in the works. Not coming with WotLK, but it's in the works.
Class' art styles really define them. Any chance to see relics on the characters?
It's a really good idea, we'll consider it.
Fand ich so die interessantesten Dinge aus dem Interview mit Tom Chilton auf der BlizzCon
Grad noch entdeckt, sogar bei buffed diesmal:
- Für World of WarCraft sind kostenpflichtige Charakterveränderungen geplant. Zuerst wiegelte Jay Allen Brack eine diesbezügliche Frage ab, um etwas später zu sagen: "Ach was, ich kann das hier exklusiv verkünden: Wir planen zu einem noch nicht festgelegten Zeitpunkt eine kostenpflichtige Charakterindividualisierungsmöglichkeit." Damit bestätigte er entgegen seines Namensvetters ein Internet-Gerücht, das Spürnasen nach der eingehenden, nicht ganz regelkonformen Einsicht der Preload-Dateien verkündet hatten.