kommende Schurkenänderungen

das sind die patchnotes vom ersten PTR build, so wird es nicht live gehen. der talentcalculator des neuen patches sieht ja auch anders aus.
war ja in den vorherigen PTR patchnotes nicht anders, dort stand zb. im jetzigen build auch 25% bei imp poison und es sind nur 10% auf dem server
es stand doch im patch das hier:
- Verstümmeln: Ihr müsst nicht länger hinter dem Ziel stehen.

das funktioniert aber bei mich nicht.
bei mir steht da ich muss hinter dem ziel stehen
es stand doch im patch das hier:
- Verstümmeln: Ihr müsst nicht länger hinter dem Ziel stehen.

das funktioniert aber bei mich nicht.
bei mir steht da ich muss hinter dem ziel stehen

steht es nur im skill-tool-tip oder steht es auch da wenn du es benutzt?
ähm. Also ich kann vorzüglich von vorne Verstümmeln. Neue persönliche Bestzeit für die Inseldailies aufgestellt *g*
Combat Potency - Changed to autoattacks from attacks.
Shadow Dance - Removed from description, Those abilities each gain a cooldown of 2.0 sec. Lasts 10 sec.

das zweite kann man so verstehen, Beschreibung geändert, der entsprechende Teil wurde aus der Beschreibung entfernt.

* Glyph of Rupture - Increases the duration of Rupture by 4 sec. (Old - 5 sec)
* Glyph of Shiv has been removed.
* *Added* Glyph of Vigor - Vigor grants an additional 10 maximum energy.
* Glyph of Sprint - Increases the movement speed of your Sprint ability by an additional 30%, but reduces the duration by 5 sec. (Old - Decreases the cooldown of Sprint by 60 sec.)
* Glyph of Sinister Strike - Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. (Old - 40%)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Combat Potency - Changed to autoattacks from attacks.
Shadow Dance - Removed from description, Those abilities each gain a cooldown of 2.0 sec. Lasts 10 sec.

das zweite kann man so verstehen, Beschreibung geändert, der entsprechende Teil wurde aus der Beschreibung entfernt.

* Glyph of Rupture - Increases the duration of Rupture by 4 sec. (Old - 5 sec)
* Glyph of Shiv has been removed.
* *Added* Glyph of Vigor - Vigor grants an additional 10 maximum energy.
* Glyph of Sprint - Increases the movement speed of your Sprint ability by an additional 30%, but reduces the duration by 5 sec. (Old - Decreases the cooldown of Sprint by 60 sec.)
* Glyph of Sinister Strike - Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 50% chance to add an additional combo point. (Old - 40%)
Sind das die 3.0.3 Änderungen oder sind das Änderungen die noch später kommen?
Und CP nur noch durch Whitehits... hmm... wie schwer wiegt das? Oder ist es eher unbedeutend, das SS und die Finisher das nicht mehr auslösen können?
Ich denke die Combat Potency Änderung ist nicht allzu gravierend. Das Problem war eben dieser Shivbuild, der ungewollt sehr viel Schaden gemacht hat (Shiv Glyphe + Combat Potency, gg).
Wäre aber shclüssiger gewesen, einfach nur shiv Combat Potency nicht mehr triggern zu lassen. Anyway...
Combat Potency wurde NOCH NIE von SS und Finishing Moves ausgelöst. Oder führst du die mit deiner Offhand aus?

Das bewirkt nur, dass Shiv es nicht mehr auslösen kann, was auch Kyragans "ByeBye Shivbuild" erklärt ;>

edit: ich will die Vigor-Glyphe *_*
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
edit: ich will die Vigor-Glyphe *_*
wozu? in dem Thread "Lebenskraft oder Mordlust" stand doch das Vigor an sich keinerlei verbesserung bringt, außer das die Max-Energie eben 10 Punkte höher liegt.. Wenn sie nun 20 Punkte höher liegt. Was soll das dann bringen?
Vielleicht im PVP? Vigor+Glyphe+Set-Arena Bonus = 130 Energie? Taugt das was?
Combat Potency wurde NOCH NIE von SS und Finishing Moves ausgelöst. Oder führst du die mit deiner Offhand aus?

Das bewirkt nur, dass Shiv es nicht mehr auslösen kann, was auch Kyragans "ByeBye Shivbuild" erklärt ;>

edit: ich will die Vigor-Glyphe *_*
und ich hab noch gedacht, dass das nur "offhand attacks" sind, war aber zu faul zum gucken und bin dann davon ausgegangen, dass ich falsch liege. Top.

Vigor Glyphe ist sicher nicht schlecht, wenn man Overkill oder Master of Sub geskillt hat. Als Mutilate Rogue gibts halt grade auch wenige Alternativen
wozu? in dem Thread "Lebenskraft oder Mordlust" stand doch das Vigor an sich keinerlei verbesserung bringt, außer das die Max-Energie eben 10 Punkte höher liegt.. Wenn sie nun 20 Punkte höher liegt. Was soll das dann bringen?
Vielleicht im PVP? Vigor+Glyphe+Set-Arena Bonus = 130 Energie? Taugt das was?

Wie gesagt im PvE geht man nicht ans EnergieCap.
Aber im PvP.... *muhaha* Burstdmg inc!

Sind das die 3.0.3 Änderungen oder sind das Änderungen die noch später kommen?
Und CP nur noch durch Whitehits... hmm... wie schwer wiegt das? Oder ist es eher unbedeutend, das SS und die Finisher das nicht mehr auslösen können?

The PTRs and beta realms are now live with the latest version of patch 3.0.3, version 9095.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ÜBERSETZER, HIER HER! Bin wieder zu faul.
Fauzi du darfst gerne über ICQ nachfragen xD

* Combat Potency: Now only works with autoattacks (no more Shiv.)
* Fan of Knives changed to be castable with no targets, further improved the visual affect and it no longer plays an impact on the caster. Now benefits correctly from the Find Weakness talent.
* Killing Spree: The rogue is now untargetable during the duration of the spree. In addition, no longer sometimes selects dead targets and no longer breaks stealth on nearby targets.
* Riposte: Duration of this effect no longer reduced by other effects that reduce disarm duration.
* Shadow Dance: The cooldowns on Sap, Garrotte, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket, and Disarm Trap are no longer increased while this ability is activated.
ETA on Shadow Dance Fix
I think I said before that changing the bar won't happen soon. It will be after Nov 13 and Lich King ships. The change to the cooldown on the openers should be in now on beta and very soon on live. (src)

Fan of Knives
We'd love to get rogue AE higher if we can do it where Fan is only used for AE and not as a general part of the single-target rotation. (src)

Hemo usability
But the charges are the entire point. Hemo is supposed to be a debuff, not an alternative to Sinister Strike. It in fact yields better damage per energy than Sinister Strike untalented and it's only the talents that prop up the latter ability. Adding more Hemo talents just gives you another high dps, spammable attack.

It is true that the rogue personally may not benefit a lot from Hemo when the charges get used up correctly. I think the attitude that that is "bad" just stems from the "winning the damage meters" mentality, not whether the ability helps you beat the boss. I'm not saying that looking at damage meters makes you shallow. I understand a nearsighted raid leader may not take you if your personal dps is low, but we're also not sure what to do about that until we can come up with some kind of "raid contribution" measurement that includes your buffs and debuffs. (src)

Developer Q/A (src)
Like what you plan to do with sub?
We recently made some changes to boost it, such as moving Dual-Wield Spec to tier 1 combat.

Why is hemo so bad?
It has a great debuff that boosts raid damage. It’s not intended to be Sinister Strike.

Why is Shadow Dance dagger only?
We agree with the above comment that it can do a lot of different things. You may just be focusing too much on it as a +dps cooldown.

Whether you feel rogue mobility is fine?
Rogues have a lot going for them in the way of stuns, damage avoidance and “get out of jail” cards. When you get up on other classes, they do have a tendency to die. We’re not sure we want rogues to also be zipping around the battlefield like warriors.

What is happening with Lightning Reflexes?
We mentioned this as a possible change (or perhaps we even promised it -- I don't recall) but it didn't materialize because we found other knobs to turn in combat that felt better during playtesting. Because LR is a passive talent, the side benefits would also end up being passive.

What is the deal with the Glyph of Sprint?
If I understand the question, I think it's just a tooltip bug. The glyph was made before the base cooldown of Sprint was lowered from 5 minutes to 3 minutes (2 min talented). If that's not the issue, can you elaborate a little more?

Why is there a major glyph of feint?
Basically, rogues have relatively few abilities, and we were desperate for something that wouldn’t have serious PvP balance ramifications. I agree this might be a good candidate for a minor glyph. Remember that we are going to be adding a lot more glyphs over time. You shouldn't view this as one of your very few useful glyphs is less useful, because you'll eventually have a lot of choices.

Why is Fan of Knives so weak with daggers, and even weak with swords?
It's designed to give you a button to hit when you want to AE. It's not supposed to turn you into an AE class, if that makes sense.

Are you happy with Hunger For Blood being horrible for PvP, and like the old Rampage for PvE?
No, not completely. We understand that CC + a short duration limit how often you can benefit from it. Obviously, we think removing MS and Hamstring was a little too good, just because those are generally hard debuffs to get out of.

How exactly are expose, mind numbing and wound major raid utility, when they so obviously are not?
Couple of things here, and forgive me for being a little brief.

First, I am reading between the lines a little here that it would be really nice to have a unique buff or debuff. Everyone asks for that, but it defeats the whole point.

Second, Expose is one of the strongest debuffs in the game. The dps increase can be 30% or more. So I suspect what you're really getting at is that "we'll always have a warrior with us doing that debuff." The whole point of the revamp is we can’t assume you have anyone but we still want you to be able to get the buff. Mind Numbing is a cast speed debuff that is only offered by one other class (warlocks), and another class that doesn’t even exist in the game at the moment. Granted, it doesn't offer the benefit of Expose. Wounding Poison offers the strongest debuff in the game for PvP, and also offers some dps to not over-penalize rogues who are balanced around poison damage.

Third, ultimately we still want raids to want rogues because they bring good dps. We just don't want it to feel that only the rogues (hunters, mages and locks) are doing the group's dps.

Will there be a mutilate/HFB/cold blood/Assassination oriented glyph made before release?
Probably. We do want to add more glyphs over time, just like new gems started to show up in BC.

Overkill - why is it the pre-req to mutilate?
It's always a hard call to decide what prereqs to what. We do like talent prereqs, and it seems like a good talent regardless. Are you wanting to skip it?

It has been stated that there is a plan to still have some poison immune mob/bosses in WotLK, what can a mutilate rogue do during these situations. Mages were helped with frostfire to combat the fire immune/frost immune mobs, but the poison requirement on mutilate still exist and when dealing with poison immune mobs, we're(for the lack of a better term) seriously screwed in our dps. I still don't understand why our signature move(for assassination) still has this requirement when it still cost 60 energy.
Poisons are what the rogues are balanced around, so we need to be pretty careful about that now. I can't promise there won't be any poison immune bosses -- resistance and immunity are things we can change on a boss to make the fight play out pretty differently from the previous boss. But there won't be a lot of them.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
naja meiner Meinung nach sin die Neuerungen für Schurken garnich mal soooo übel
Die Glyphen sin bisher auch ganz nett *gg* Hat was im PvP mit Sprint übers Wasser rennen zu können
schaut so mancher Ally dum aus der Wäsche im Arathibecken
As I have posted a couple of times recently, we decided to raise the armor of level 83 raid bosses by 10% to correct for some dps difference between casters and melee + hunters. I wanted to address the issue head on with the rogues.

We have done a lot of testing recently, and concluded that even with this change, Assassination rogues are likely the top dps spec in the game against single bosses that don't move around a lot (like Patchwerk). This isn't a bad place for them to be. They pay a small price both for being melee (where more damage tends to occur) and for lacking the ability to respec into a non-damage build. We don't think they will be as far above hybrids as they have been before -- as I've posted before, it's very important that hybrid classes do higher dps now that their buffs do not stack.

Combat builds, especially swords, is competitive but probably behind Assassination. This is something we'd like to address, especially if it turns out to be a major difference between the specs. Additional armor does hurt Combat, but also remember it's just raid bosses and not other players (or trash or heroic bosses).

Subtelty, sadly, is just much harder to test since so much of their damage relies on other players. Our preliminary evidence is that they generate plenty of combo points from Honor Among Thieves, but this might mean their personal dps when not in a group suffers. This is something we're still testing.

I will add that some players have wondered if Honor Among Thieves is bugged since the cp can occur more often than 1 sec. In this case, the tooltip is just unclear. When Jimmy the Shaman crits, he cannnot "send you" a combo point more often than 1 per sec. But if you have lots of players critting all the time, you can build them up quickly. So Honor is (here it comes) working as intended.

Assassination rogues are likely the top dps spec in the game against single bosses that don't move around a lot (like Patchwerk). This isn't a bad place for them to be. They pay a small price both for being melee (where more damage tends to occur) and for lacking the ability to respec into a non-damage build. We don't think they will be as far above hybrids as they have been before -- as I've posted before, it's very important that hybrid classes do higher dps now that their buffs do not stack.

Combat builds, especially swords, is competitive but probably behind Assassination. This is something we'd like to address, especially if it turns out to be a major difference between the specs. Additional armor does hurt Combat, but also remember it's just raid bosses and not other players (or trash or heroic bosses).
Es ist einfach nurnoch traurig was die sich traun zu posten....