Just wanted to post a pic of my screeny with a couple of add ons, which some of you might find handy.
Screen: (ca. 500kb)
Fubar, which is the top bar. It includes the following add ons:
- BagFu
- DurabilityFu
- FriendsFu
- FuXPFu
- GuildFu
- HonorFu
- MailFu
- MiniClockFu
- MoneyFu
- PerformanceFu
- QuestsFu
- TopScoreFu
- VolumeFu
- WhisperFu
Most of them are pretty much selfexplaining I think. I find it very convenient to have all the details that I require from time to time on the main screen.
2) My Character's screen (top left corner) is due to the add on
ag_UnitFrames. The same applies to the character I have currently selected (myself), which is shown in the middle, closer to the bottom of the screen. Right below, you can see, which character has been selected by the character which I have selected (confusing?) - which is me of course in this case.
3) The action bars I am using are thanks to
Bartender3 and
cyCircled. One big advantage which
Bartender3 brings with it, is that certain action bars are only shown when a certain stance (battle / def / berserker in the warrior's case) is selected. The same can be done for druids I think, though I am not sure about other classes. This way, I avoid my screen being filled up with buttons I don't always need. Takes a wee bit of time to configure it, but it's well worth it.
cyCircled is responsible for the layout of the action bars.
4) I am also using the add ons
OneBank and
OneRing which make one single bag out of all bags you have. Basically, you have one bag for all your inventory, one bag for all your banked items and one bag for all your keys. Very easy to configure and makes bag replacement very very quick. For example: When replacing a bag, you do not have to worry about having to empty that bag first. Simply replace the bag, and Voila!
OneBag is the one which you can see on the screenie by the way.
5) The add on within
FuBar, which shows:
S:0 B:0 is called
SpamSentry (not part of the actual
FuBar add on). It is nothing else but a spam filter for chat, whispers and mails. Only installed it today, so cannot really say if it works or not. But you are supposed to be able to send daily bot or spam reports to Blizzard.
6) Add ons not visible in the picture:
ColaLight: Shows how much you can get for an item from a vendor via a tooltip
InFlight: Shows the flight time
MinimapZoom: Well, selfexplaining again
MobInfo2: Gathers drop rates while you are playing (only from your characters). I have it installed since I started this char, so the database is pretty good already. Also, it shows mobs health and mana values not in percentages but absolute numbers.
ReloadUI: Allows you to reload the UI without having to log off and on (/reloadui)
RecipeRadar: Shows you where to get what vendor recipe, includes also the prices.
GuildEventManager2: no comment
EquipCompare: Compares equipment items with the according equipment you are currently wearing. Very powerful.
ChatTimeStamps: Again, selfexplaining.
Cartographer: This add on brings so much with it. You are better off checking this link out:
These are just a few of the ones I have installed, none of them Warrior specific add ons, so I can recommend them to anyone here.
You can get them either via the All Deuce UI Package:
Or via the Cosmos UI Package:
Some of them have certain dependencies, so watch out when downloading them one by one instead as a package.
RecipeRadar and
SpamSentry are both not part of either UI package.