Wer als Druide HT benutzt macht was falsch.Glaubt es oder nicht!HT wenn überhaupt nur bei einem CC,weil es sonst einfach zu teuer ist.Ich rede von 5 Man Heroics.
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#5. Healing Strategies
No matter what you are doing, raid or heroics or regulars, raid healers or tank healers, keep LB on the tank. If by letting it bloom, the heal will not go to overheal, let it bloom. If you are properly geared LB wont even make a dent in your mana before it regens back up.
5 Mans:
Regulars and heroics are pretty much the same, just heroics are more intense. Don't heal what you don't have to. If your rogue gets hit by something random once, Wg or RJ will be enough, no need to spam nourish him. Don't waste mana.
You aren't going to have everyone at 100% all the time. Especially in heroics, 99% of the boss fights most dmg is avoidable. If you are playing with bads, yes, you will have mana problems and people will die. This isn't a druid problem, this is their problem. If someone stands in something, explain to them you don't have the mana to heal through people playing badly. It's not being rude, it's the truth. They all have defensive CDs they should have taken now, they need to use them. Heal people about to die, don't spam to 100%.
Nourish is a filler. Like LB, you will regen that mana back as fast as you use it. So, whenever you aren't healing spike or someone about to die you should be nourishing people closer to 100%. Go for the people with hots 1st for mastery and the nourish buff.
Use WG. It's only 1% more base mana than RJ and even though it does less overall healing, it will give you a buffer to nourish if needed and will get them further away from 0. Use SM every CD. It's also a very cheap spell. People that say efflor is underwhelming are those that do not use SM. It may not heal for a ton, but if you use it at the correct time and people stand in it like they should, by the end of the fight it makes up a very good amount of healing.
Don't be afraid of tree. If there is an aura mechanic pop ToL, LB everyone once and start going back through the line to stack to 3 and refresh. When CC pops, throw an instant RG on whoever needs it.
Along with that, do not be afraid of Tranq. It's a very good spell, use it.
Healing in heroics is hard with bads, but not impossible. Use your lower mana spells, use your hots, and fill with nourish as often as possible.
Für die, die kein Englisch mögen:
RJ - Verjüngung Rejunivation
LB - Blühendes Leben Life Bloom
ToL - Baum des Lebens Tree of Life
HT - Heilende Berührung Healing Touch
CC - Freizaubern Clear Cast
WG - Wildwuchs Wildgrowth
SW - Rasche Heilung Swiftness
Tranq. - Tranquility Gelassenheit
Zum Topic:
Ja ich bin Druide ! Und ja auch ich hatte anfangs Mana Probs !Man muss sich einfach nur umgewöhnen wieder alle Register zu ziehen und auch anders zu Heilen.
Und was ganz doof ist,man muss von dem alles auf 100% halten ding runterkommen.Und sobald das Gear etwas besser wird gehts ganz gut von der Hand.Man sollte allerdings auch nicht mit grade 329 Itemlvl nur weil es geht in eine Heroic.
Wenn wer vielleicht fragen zum Druiden haben sollte gerne PM an mich.
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