hab mal ne frage^^...klingt vll doof aber....was genau is ne open beta?...und wie lang is die?
hab nen key bekommen aber hab eig keine ahnung was ne open beta is^^...lg :maci_
Die Open Beta ist eigentlich in diesem Fall eine Closed Beta. Einige Leute, mit Key, bekommen noch vor Release des Games Zugang zu den Servern und dürfen es spielen, damit sie eventuel bestehende Fehler noch finden, und diese vor Start des Verkaufs behoben werden können.
A beta test is a limited release of a product with a goal of finding bugs before the final release. Software testing is often referred to by the terms "alpha" and "beta."
Generally speaking, the alpha test is an internal test to find bugs, and the beta test is an external test. During the alpha phase, the product is opened up to employees of the company and, sometimes, friends and family. During the beta phase, the product is opened up to a limited number of customers.
Sometimes, beta tests are referred to as "open" or "closed". A closed beta test has a limited number of spots open for testing, while an open beta has either an unlimited number of spots (i.e. anyone who wants to can participate) or a very large number of spots in cases where opening it up to everyone is impractical.